Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 8: "Rubble Reaction": Part I & Part II

Back to the Bible devotion

Job 1:20 (ESV)
20 Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped.

Job was a man that lost everything...everything! And what was his reaction? He fell before the Lord and worshipped. How incredible is that. To loose your children, your home, everything and then worship God. There was a time in our lives when I feared losing our homes...yes homes. In the middle of the real estate dive we were in the middle of moving from one home to another. We still have two homes. There was fear and trust all at the same time. I wondered how could I survive this and was I "spiritual" enough if I still grieved and feared...but the bottom line was...My God is in control. That is what oozed out.

Today we are facing the unknown yet again. This time with Lonnie and his job of almost 30 years. What will happen? Will the city transition him to another position? Will he be forced into retiring 10 months earlier than even possible and a few years before desired. Will we loose all we have worked for? How will we pay tuition? School debt? And if we are faced with a job change what will our reaction be? What if God takes us to another country sooner than we anticipated...sell our homes...leave our children...I can hardly type as I hold back the tears of my mother's breaking heart. What will it look like? feel like? And then when we come back...where will we live? work? when I am old how will I be able to live on social security? My mind clamors with the "what ifs" and "how's".

Job found out his answer. He worshipped. Lord, help me to have a heart of worship and trust that you are with me in the midst of the pain and uncertainty. How do I have that heart of worship? Time with the Lord. Scripture in my life. To know You and trust You because I have drawn near to your heart. Perhaps this is why I am on this journey.

Revealed Devotion:
Getting Control of your time

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life---your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life --- and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Romans 12:1 (MSG)

Ok, the bottom line today...God is in control of my life...spend time with Him...meditate on his word....enjoy life...the spontaneous moments. Don't over organize and miss Him. He is here at this moment. I can't control tomorrow...that's his job. Enjoy the blessings of day. Fill myself with a heart of worship so I am prepared for the challenges.

Be with Greg and Annie as Greg leaves this morning to return to the mission field in South Africa. Help me to be aware of panic over things I can't control. Help me to focus on you and your purpose, your strength, your love. Whatever happens may I have a heart of worship.

Bless Lonnie each moment. Keep the children focused on you. Show yourself in a real way to Michael and draw him in close to you. Be with James and Kelsey as they make decisions. Provide for them. Guard Becca's heart and help her to guard the hearts of others. May she continue to lean into you and trust you for your best.

Bless Coastal. Help each of us to serve your Bride with love.


Part II - End of the day
I was waiting for it in a sense...I knew the time would come that I would write how hard it is to stay God focused and really know he is in let the knowing spill over to my emotions and not allow Satan to rob, steal, devour the joy of this moment. To be ridiculed and be in a place where the pit in my stomach won't go away. I dislike conflict and dealing with difficult people. But what can I learn from this situation and time? Remembering that God came to seek and find the lost...that no matter what I am experiencing I am to be his hands and feet with my attitude...asking for his divine intervention in my keep me focused on him.

Why? Why are we having to endure this? A better question is "Lord, what can I gain from this? How is this preparing us for the future calling on our life? I am sure we will be challenged with people. I pray I learn what I need to learn in order to serve you.

Right now I pray you will help us to see your priorities and path...Holy Spirit calm me ... give me scripture to calm Father's word to be my comforter.

This day, Lord I choose to honor and serve you with all that I have. Job worshipped you among the rubble and hurt...I want to be worshipping you among the turmoil of this time.

Thank you for the wisdom of my best friend that helped me to think past the anguish of the moment and situation. To see this through your lens.

I will trust you.


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