Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 82: Keep the flame...How?

Proverbs 6:3 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.

Proverbs 16:9 In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.


I know from past experience that the feelings and thoughts associated with a mission trip fade in intensity. The faces loose details. We come home and we feel like we will never forget...but then life steps in. Today my facebook post was about the today list before me...laundry, suitcases, carpets, pool, and yes bills to pay with a shoestring budget. I want to keep the passion and the vision for South Africa before me. I want to wake each morning excited about the day's "to-do" list. Help me to remember each day is a day you have ordained. The joy of my church...the now.

Today I am thankful that I have some money for food and shelter. Many don't.

Today I am thankful for clothes to wash in a washing machine and dryer. Many don't have clothes. Many don't have washers.

Today I am thankful for the suitcases that took us to your destination...South Africa. For your total provision in getting us there.

Today I am thankful for a home that is cool, warm and more than we deserve.

The flame comes in my attitude. For my present and my future.

The flame comes in your word. That is timeless.

The flame comes in my time with you. This is essential.

I commit all I do today to you. I commit all we will do in the future to you.

Determine our steps today and in the future.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 81: God Remembers

"God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestocck that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind oer the earth, and the waters receded." Genesis 8:1

It is a challenge at times to stay focused and not loose heart. Things are going well and then the cycle of challenge moves in ... followed by a season of discourgement ... followed by despair and maybe doubt...doubt ... followed by crying out ... followed by the Lord hearing and remembering ... followed by God moving on our behalf ...

Why is it so hard at times to remember God's faithfulness? In my memory I can so quickly focus on the challenge of now that I forget God's faithfulness then! Beth Moore points out in Believing God that God remembers and God acts. His hand is moving. It is not like remembering in a human sense, as He never forgets because He is past, present, and future all at the same time.

Noah was on that big and smelling ark for a long time. I wonder if he forgot? It would be natural for him to loose focus when he saw the destruction and didn't have a clue how God was going to make it all work out. But God never forgot Noah! God Remembered Noah and acted.

God remembers his promises, his covenents, his love for us...his most beautiful creation. God allows challenge ... but will I remember his faithfulness and stand firm?

My ministry verse and life verse...

But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the ark - you and your sons and your wife and your sons' wies with you. Genesis 6:18

Lord, thank you for that verse given in was true then...your covenent of care over our family as we took a huge step of faith in obedience for me to resign from teaching and go to seminary. It has been true over the years as we have sensed your covenant of provision over our family. Thank you for reminding me of the truth of your word throughout generations. Our children are part of the covenant of protection. Amen and Amen! Praise you!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 80: A People Not Yet Created

Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the Lord. Psalm 102:18

Back from South Africa! The one month there went quickly! Mission trip portion was amazing.
Two memories-
(1) Pastor Paul on day one looking at me and asking "Can you teach my people how to have a Sunday School?" "Yes," I replied, "When do you want to begin that?" "This Sunday." Oh my! God sent me there with now prior warning that is what I would be doing; therefore, I had no supplies. God is faithful! His word is all we needed and the rest fell into place. Loved my 6 future teachers...I am confident that the work God began in them is still going.
(2) Over 100 children desiring Jesus to be their friend, savior for ever. The honor of presenting them the message of hope that only comes from Jesus.

Exploring future ministries - second two weeks - memories
(1) In a squatters camp delivering bags of Maize for food to child head of households. Heartbreaking to realize a young 10 year old is the provider for his younger siblings.
(2) Eden (1st grade) and brother Luke (4th) at Bethany House. Eden's sweet voice and eyes as she continually found me and hug me..."You found me!" she would say. Their Father was killed in action as a police officer. Mother was murdered 2 years later. No other family to care for them properly.

God answered our prayer of ministry direction. It will be with Child head of Households identified through the under resourced churches. Also, developing plans to teach people to garden and produce food.

Through out the trip Psalm 102:18 came to my mind. Our future will involved ministry to influence generations not yet created.

The children of SA need us...The cost of obedience however is high. leaving the children God has given us here.

But I continue to here His voice, "I gave you three children that you raised to know me. Will you not go to my other children that need to know me?"

Yes, Lord, we will go.
