Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Week 2 Day 3

Luke 3:21-37

Jesus' Baptism and Genealogy

  • v. 21 "And as he was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove.  And a voice came from heaven:  "You are my Son, who I love; with you I am well pleased."
As Jesus was praying the Father spoke to him.  How often do I miss what the Father wants to say to me because I'm not talking (praying) to him.  It's hard to talk with someone that is ignoring you.

Genealogy - seems boring but it actually shows God's faithfulness.  Through generations and generations men were instructed and love in preparation for the Son of God.  Our family history is important. Perhaps some of us have difficult fathers...mine was an alcoholic while I was living at home...but he loved the Lord and recovered from alcoholism  before he died. My children never knew him as an alcoholic.  If it was important enough for God to say to Jesus, "I love you" then our human children also need to hear this affirmation from us. Tell your children you love them!

Lord, help Lonnie and I to raise, continue to invest in, our adult children. They carry our DNA into future generations that only you can see. Help us to point them to you. To never miss an opportunity to tell them we love them! I praise you that you have taught us, and guided us, in how to parent them.  Also, thank you for desiring to speak to me every moment. Help me to be in connection with you and make that effort to hear from you.  It is vital to my existence. Amen

Monday, November 14, 2011

Week 2 Day 1

Luke 3:1-20

John the Baptist makes the way for Jesus. He is clear that he is not the Messiah.  When he teaches people about  being judged and like fruitless trees cut down,  the people begin to ask..."What should we do?" John's response is on actions...actions that demonstrate love and grace.  But, he goes on to tell them one will come that will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. 

  • Actions do not replace a spiritual experience with the Father. We can be good caring people and not have experienced a life change and the Holy Spirit living in us.
Help me to remember my spiritual connection with you is vital. If I don't spend time with you then I will shrivel up and become a person of good deeds. I want to be a person in spiritual connection with you.

Week 1 Day 7

Community-Fuse Service

Last night we went to FUSE service. The message was centered on Community and why we desire community in our lives. A couple of important points:

  • In the beginning ...God is  God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
  • God created us ..."in our image"   God is in relationship and community a the trinity
  • When mankind experienced the "Fall" in the Garden of Eden our intimate, perfect relationship with God was severed.  We have an inner desire for that type of relationship and will try to fill it in various ways. The only real way to fill that void is to have the relationship with God.
  • I believe when God created us to desire is what prompts us to share the care about others and want them to be with us in eternity. If I didn't care, was self focused and content to be alone, then I wouldn't build relationships that would afford me the opportunity to share Christ. Relational collateral, I believe, is huge in evangelism and discipleship.

Help us to see the importance of community and being with others...not just for our fun but for your purposes also.  Help me not to so busy that I miss this important piece of how you created me.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week 1 Day 5

Luke 2: 1-52

I love this peek into Jesus' life. He is a boy, age 12. His family has traveled to Jerusalem for festival and are returning home. We have to remember that men traveled in the front together and women with the children in the back. Jesus was in-between age so it would have been ok for him to be either place. 

Three things stand out to me as read this passage this time:

  • v51  The second time that it is mentioned..."But his mother treasured all these things in her heart."  As a mother I need to capture and treasure moments in my heart that involve our children. I don't know the future of their lives. Every moment and experience with them is a gift.
  • v 52. Jesus grew just like children today wisdom (intellectually) and stature (physically) in favor with God (spiritually) and man (socially).  
  • Jesus was at the temple. It was a safe place. 
Help us to know what you would have us to do as cross-cultural workers to make the churches safe-zones for children and to meet their developing needs. Children you know but we have yet to meet.  Give us your eyes and wisdom, Father.  As we begin our transition help me specifically to capture special moments and conversations with our own children in my heart. To have a place I can draw from in the hard moments once we arrive in country and I miss them terribly. Mary didn't know what was coming for her son. She treasured moments that as a mother I am sure were priceless.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Week 1 Day 5

Luke 2:25-40

Simeon and Anna. Old. Faithful. Waiting. What stands out in this scripture to me? They were faithful and never gave up. They trusted the Lord's faithfulness and God honored them. They saw the Messiah and blessed his parents. 

  • vv. 37-37   "and then was a widow until she was eighty-four.  She never left the temple but worshipped night and day, fasting and praying. Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem."
Anna never remarried. Instead she committed her life to prayer and fasting. It's been such a long time since I've seriously fasted. Not seriously as in length...but in focus and purpose.  That's what I'm going to think about today... the spiritual discipline of fasting and how God would have me implement that into my life again. So that like Anna, I will be ready when God has a task before that very moment.

Lord, help me to grow in my spiritual disciplines...not out of desire for pure habit but out of desire to be closer to your that I won't miss your moments for me. In our retirement we are going to serve you. We are not as old as Simeon and Anna...but we are older and wiser then we were. Help us to grow in our wisdom and knowledge of you through our time together in prayer and worship.  Use us for your moments.  Amen

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Week 1 Day 4

Luke 2:1-14

I can't count the number of times I've read the account of Jesus' birth. Believing, however, that the Lord's word is alive, real, and always teaching through the Holy Spirit's leading I was anticipating what I would "underline" this day.  The Lord never fails.

  • In v. 7 "..., because there was no room for them in the inn."
    • Is this me? Is there no room for the Messiah in my life because I am too busy filling it up with other things...some good things?  As Joseph knocked on doors does the Lord knock on my heart only to hear me say, "I don't have room for you in my life today."  Sadly, I do say that. I allow my calendar to fill up with good things, people, events, that when the opportunity arises for me help someone...I don't have time.  Sometimes I don't even see the need I've become so busy.
  • God had Joseph and 9 month pregnant Mary travel by donkey for 70 miles so that Jesus birth would be in the location fore told.
    •  Seriously God, you could have had them go earlier and just stay about just in the nick of time. Poor Mary...words that would come to my mind, "It's not fair"..."It's not suppose to be this way."   God, even here the circumstances were not important to you...all things are according to your time...not ours.  
Lord, even in the birth of your Son you were not so much concerned about our physical comfort and peace of mind.  Mary had to be uncomfortable in the journey on a donkey, birthing in a barn with animals and all that go with them.  Help me to accept the plans and timing you have for our lives.  You chose this time for Mary and  the place for Jesus' birth. A sign of humble beginnings...a servant's heart. It all had eternal purpose.  Help me to remember this when I begin to fret and complain about my circumstances. May I repeat as Mary did, "I am the Lord's Servant." Help me to remember this even with our children. The challenges  I see them endure. I trust you Lord that you are working all things for their good.  Amen

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Week 1 Day 3

Luke 1:46-80

Mary praises God for her pregnancy, Zechariah praises the Lord, and John the Baptist is born.

Mary says:
  • v 50. His mercy extends to those who fear him from generation to generation
  • v 53. he has filled the hungry with good things.
Zechariah prays:
  • v. 74. "...and to enable us to serve him without fear..."
Lord, help us to impact the generations, children, that will teach their children about you. May their hungry souls be filled with the goodness of you. May their physical stomachs be filled with food. Help us to meet their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. As Zechariah prayed for his son John, I also ask that I am able to serve you  with out fear. Without fear of the unknown:  how will we live, will we have enough support, what will we do, will we be accepted by the Pastors, what will we actually do to impact the lives of children, can I emotionally handle seeing the hurt, pain, death?  Father, enable us to move in your will without fear.  Amen.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Luke: Week 1-Days 1 & 2

Starting a study of Luke with Coastal. Each day we will read a section of Luke and respond. This will take us through January.  I will record each day what stands out to me in the passage, what I hear God saying to me through the passage, and my prayer response.

Week 1 Day 1
Luke 1:1-25
What struck me was the fact that Zachariah, a Priest serving in the temple, sees an angle that tells him his prayer has been heard and will be answered. The circumstances, life circumstances, seem to make his prayer request impossible to answer, so Zachariah asks in verse 18 "How can I be sure of this? I am an old man and my wife is well along in years."

The Priest in the presence of the angle Gabriel still had difficulty grasping the divine and miraculous in his finite human mind. 

Lord, help my wavering faith when it comes to our ability to go to South Africa to serve you. We know the call and we see you at work. Yet, I still struggle with the practicality of all the pieces coming together.  I am trusting in you Father and I know you will deliver us. Amen

Week 1 Day 2
Luke 1:26-45

Gabriel visits Mary to tell her she will give birth to Jesus.  Mary's reactions went from
  • v.29 " Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be."
  • v. 38 "I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her.
to other's seeing something in her belief
  • v. 45 "Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!"
Lord, there are times I'm troubled with what you say to me...but my prayer is that I will always respond as Mary did..."I am your servant"  and that others will see in me my faith and confidence in you.  May my life be a testimony of your faithfulness.  It will be accomplished in our lives as you have ordained!  Amen