Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 21: What do I Know?

Back to the Bible

For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth. Job 19:25 (ESV)

Father, how can I express my gratitude for the sacrifice of your son on the cross. You redeemed me from eternity in hell separated from all that is good...separated from you. You redeemed me from hopelessness in this life. I know you live. I see you in my life and in the lives around me. I see the work of your hand, your heart for us. I can't explain it. I just know it. I know it in my heart that my redeemer knows me by name. Praise Him for what I can't explain.


People who live only for wealth come to the end of their lives as naked and empty-handed as on the day they were born. Ecclesiastes 5:15 (NLT)

Lord, you are my Lord and all we have is yours and from you. All. How does that really play out? It means I trust you and know you will provide. It is hard and scary. But I do in the midst of the struggle.

God what is the line between risk and careless? The line is knowing the risk is because you required it...commanded it...asked it of us. For the first time this day I see our obedience in building this house as a asked it of us not so we would have bigger and better...but because you you had a purpose in how this home would be used...missionary on furlow staying with us...75 people a week in Bible study...out of country and state students having a place for school break.

You had a purpose in us learning to survive in the unknown. You know I want the

God it is yours and has been worth the risk. The risk is still present. I can't say I don't worry about 2 homes and how we will sell one or both to go to Africa. Will you have us sell both? One? none? What will be the risk you require of us to step out in obedience to be missionaries. How will you support us? How will you provide for Becca and Mike to finish school? How will you provide for the school notes we already have? Where will we live when we return to the states?

The words of the author, Doug Turner, sting deep into my heart. "We can take risks because of our relationship with God and our family in Christ. Stewardship isn't something we do; it's who we are. We trust God and invest the time, talent, and treasure He has given us because that's who we are--and whose we are." "God wants us to let go of our stuff and set our hearts on the Kingdom, so He can show us how powerfully He really can work in our lives. If we play it safe and live our lives for security, we find ourselves at the end of life as naked and empty-handed as the day we were born." (page 87)

Help me to have the inner courage to take the risks with what you have for us. I do trust you. May I live out that trust.


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