Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 14: Stuff Happens

Back to the Bible

For affliction does not come from the dust, nor does trouble spring from the ground; yet man is born to trouble, as the sparks fly upward. Job 5:6-7

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

As a classroom teacher I quickly became accustomed to the old saying, "Stuff happens." I learned to be flexible, quick thinking, calm, and developed the innate ability to "shoot from the hip." Why? Because teaching middle and high school students is a constant adventure in flexibility and unpredictability. There would always be days when things just didn't go as expected.

Life in general can be that way. For no fault nor valid explanation events just go crazy. Bad things happen to good people. We live in a world were trouble finds us. So why is it so difficult for me to carry over from the classroom some of the same skills? Could it be I want to be in control of my life like I was in the classroom? Well that's just not going to happen is it? I'm not God and he's the only one in control of life and the universe. Why am I surprised when life throws unexpected and unwanted events into my world? Are they always directly from God? No, his permissive will allows life events that are hurtful, difficult, challenging, and just plain stinky.

So what to do. Do as Jesus said in John, "Take heart" meaning ... know in my heart that Jesus overcame so much more, and I will overcome because of his presence in my life. If I trust him, come to him, seek him, I will survive. As Dr. Kroll, the author of Back to the Bible writes,

"Don't be surprised. Instead, turn to God. When your life goes contrary to your expectations, He is able to give you either the wisdom to deal with it or the grace to live with it. Trust Him.
When trouble draws close, draw close to God."

Revealed this morning talked about the body of Christ and how we are all knit together with our specific gifts. We should not be jealous of others. We should work together for the community of believers God has placed us in. When I become frustrated by a personality or situation involving people I need to remember that God created them, gifted them, and placed them right where he desired. Now, I need to just deal with it, and ask the Lord to help me see them as He does. Help me to love them as He does. And help them to love me in all my shortfalls the same way.


Help me this day to remember that I'm not perfect, no one is. You have woven together those that I will minister with today just as you please. May I be flexible and if trouble draws close, even with my attitude, may I draw closer to you.

Thank you for your hand of protection in my son's best friends life. May his injuries heal well. Be with our son as he will deal with the emotional piece of seeing his best friend injured.

Bless this sabbath day and draw heart's towards you.


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