Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 45: Like a Jack Hammer

Back to the Bible

"Is not My word like a fire?" says the Lord, "and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?" Jeremiah 23:29


"The Bible tells us that sin hardens the heart (Eph. 4:17-19). The longer a person rebels against God, the harder his heart becomes. But we must never underestimate the power of God's Word. Sometimes it touches our lives gently and brings comfort and healing. At other times it comes down like a sledgehammer with a blow that breaks our hearts into pieces. The more we choose to harden our hearts against God and His will, the more devastating the blow.
Ask God to reveal if your heart has become hardened toward Him. And if you sense it has, allow Him to use His Word to shatter any hardness you might find.

Better a shattered heart than a hardened heart."

There have been times when God's word just crashed through my heart like a wrecking ball. Taking me to my knees. Mainly when my heart was hardened towards his will. I'm a stubborn girl (don't I know it my husband would say) and there are times I just want it my way. If God is leading in a different way he has to break my will into pieces. But there is a sweetness after the breaking. There is a tenderness, a healing, a sense of his grace. There is a peace within me knowing that I'm in his will. Thank you God for those journeys.

Yesterday was a tough day with the NL home. I kept saying to myself, "Lord, you are the owner we are the caretakers. This is your home tell us what to do. This is not new to you. You have a plan no matter what the situation. You can make all things work for your glory. All we can do is trust you to work through this. We are asking that our focus be on you...that we reflect you in our action and deeds."

The verse, "Test me and know my anxious thoughts" kept coming to me. I am glad that you, Lord, have been working me in this area. I could see some improvement in my anxiety level. I am still a work in progress but Lord there was improvement. At the beginning of the day we don't know what is ahead, but you oh Father know it. I stand continually amazed at the fact that too often in our QT times you have begun to prepare us for the obsticals this world will sling at us. I am so thankful for my time with you.

Be with us this day. May our thoughts and behavior honor you. I ask that my children will lean in close to you. Thank you for their lives. Help us to continue to point them in your direction.

Yesterday morning our couples devotion included a story about losing $50 and then a week later finding $50 in the middle of the parking lot. Well, yesterday Lonnie was in the parking lot outside of the bank and there at his feet by the car was a $100 bill. Wow! Well, we hadn't lost the money but someone had. Lonnie took it back into the bank. Lord, may the owner of that money get it back. I'm married to a truly honorable man!

You are the giver of peace in the midst of the storm. Praise be to you!


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