Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 35: Immediate Obedience

Back to the Bible

But this is what I commanded them, saying, 'Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you. Jeremiah 7:23

The Lord gives us commands to provide safety, security, and what is best for us. The big 10 are usually no secret. The commands that the Lord whispers to us throughout the day are what can get lost in the hurriedness and clatter of all that is going on around us. Sometimes God speaks loudly and sometimes softly. My task is listen and obey immediately to his voice. My life, or the life of someone, else may depend on that ability.

1 Timothy 4

For to this end we toil and struggle, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe. v. 10

Ministry can be toil and struggle at times. But we keep on because of the hope of Christ and the work he desires through us.


It is toil and struggle to maintain the path you would have us to keep our focus and not be discouraged by what life throws at us. God, help me to hear your voice, loud or quiet. Help me to distinguish between your voice and the deceivers voice. With my whole heart I want to obey but I know I am not always 100% in tune with what you are saying. I praise you when you call to my attention how I have strayed: in mind, spirit, or action. When my thoughts are not honoring to you...when I fret instead of realizing the Master of the Universe knows my name, my pain, my anxiety, and He will respond as he deems necessary. Oh the sweet state of total trust in you...moving away from anxiety. I do really well for a season but then like a lead ball something new or bigger creeps into my life and I'm back on the roller coaster again. My prayer is that I will recognize it and quickly realign myself to your promise that you will never leave me nor forsake me.

Thank you for being a God that cares enough to give commands.

Your loving servant.

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