Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 66: Bara

Believing God

You are probably wondering what "bara" has to do with this writing. According to Strong's "bara" is to create, shape, form - always with God as the subject, the one doing the forming. It is God's miracle of creating out of nothing.

This day I am pondering Psalm 51:10 - Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Clean is purer.... Renew is to repair....right is to be enduring, to be steady.

Lord, this is my prayer,

"Shape in me a purer heart, O God, and repair my spirit to be enduring of life challeges and steady in my faithfulness to you. Father, I need you and I know you are who the Bible says you are, I am who you created me to be and I can do all things through you because you will give me the strength. Your word oh Lord is alive and active in my life. I believe in you!

Bless our children as they journey through life. Be with Mike as he discerns your best for him in life and relationships. Walk closely with Becca as you prepare her for SA this summer. Help her to be aware of the spiritual battles that will come. Give wisdom to James as he leads his ministry. Bring to joy to Kelsey as she finishes this season and looks to you to provide for her next phase. Bless our marriage. We stand before you with palms up in regards to our finances...may we be Stewards that honor you first.


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