Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 56: Go and Tell

Back to the Bible

Now as Obadiah was on his way, suddenly Elijah met him; and he recognized him, and fell on his face, and said, "Is that you, my lord Elijah?" And he answered him, "It is I. Go, tell your master, 'Elijah is here." 1 Kings 18:7-8

Obadiah risked his life to tell the king that Elijah was in the country. It was a risk. It is a risk for me to tell people about the one true King..and I don't always take the risk. Why? Fear? yes I think so...but I fear their reaction more so than disappointing my Father in Heaven. I will go to SA but I'm afraid to walk next door....across the street. Forgive me Father. I am not faithful to you in this small thing.

Received notice yesterday that you have open the floodgates of blessing again...I have two sections of a class next term. So far Father I have gone from one class to 2. Thank you for the blessing. Now I ask for the discipline to stay focused on ministry and teach well at the same time. When the despair comes help me to recall these blessings.

Father, we love you and thank you for all you give us. Bless our marriage. Help us to spend time together, just being in love...enchanted with with one another.

Keep our children under your wing.


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