Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 88: So Quickly my spirit changes

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, ... Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Matthew 6:25a, 27

Oh how I need His word and the presence of the Holy Spirit today. I have identified my other battle ground (in addition to finances) or to say my weak point. A place where I am most vulnerable. If I am to worry...if I am to question and beg before the Lord, it almost always involves my children. If my life can be turned upside down with one phone call...from being confident in the Lord and falling face down before him pleading and weeping on behalf of involves my children.

There is an assumption when reading a post like this that one of our children has done something horrible, but, that is not case. For the privacy of the kids I don't want to say what it is..but it is not life threatening. And in a month or two it might even seem silly. In fact I am sure it will when I look back and see how God works.

God is at work in this...I know it. In my quiet time devotion there is a quote from George Muller...."The greater the trial, the sweeter the victory."

Oh my Father in heaven make this a living statement. Bring sweet victory in this battle. Raise up your servant and present them as honorable, strong, committed, full of determination to follow you. Bless them in their obedience to you and to those around them.

Heal my heart Holy Spirit. Fill the tears of a mother's pain with tears of your joy.

Word of God speak to me ... continue to speak to me so that I too may reflect you to my children.

Added note~ I left the blog and read the online devotion-which I haven't done in a while~
OK GOD...YOU DO SPEAK AND I THANK YOU...even though it is still diffacult:
Back to the Bible on line devotion writes this:

"Today we may have to settle for the satisfaction of knowing what we have done is right; in the future, the God who keeps impeccable records will take care of the rewards.
Are you facing a thankless task? Are your efforts going unsung and unpraised? Don't be concerned. Do what you know is right and remember that, someday, your Heavenly Father will see to your rewards."

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