Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 137: El Roi~ The God who sees

Hagar said of the Lord, "You are El-roi." (Genesis 16:13) God has seen everything about her...the good and the bad (to speak), her pain and her joy. 

God sees what's going on my life and that brings assurance. Assurance that He is with me...he is Sovereign so there are no surprises, nothing He can't and won't help me through.  Assurance that He is omnipresent with our family members while we are apart. 

I received a note from a friend who is in my discipling huddle. The note is timely as it weaves together with what God is teaching me this morning.  As Jennie would say...when two things come at the same time it's like God is saying, "Debbie, pay attention."

  My morning devotional stirred up in my heart the need to share it with you.  When we are striving for the things in our lives that we know God has called us to do, not only does he prepare the ways for us to step out in faith to fulfill His purpose in our lives, but He also gives a grace & special ability for our families to help us in our calling, which is form Him.
  Just as He has made each one of us to fulfil His purposes, so He makes out families the way they need to be for each season. :)
  I know that you have struggled with the idea of leaving your children when you go on your mission, but I believe that God has prepared them also for being able to cope with your absence.  We are all in the hands of our Lord God & no one can take us from Him.
 <3 Jennie

Thank you for seeing and being near to my family, and to me. Continue to prepare all of us for your purposes in and through us. Thank you for your word and for friends like Jennie!  Amen

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