Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 141: Jehovah-jireh

My tendency is to focus on what needs to be done, what we need, what the challenges are, etc.  Instead of focusing on what God has done and is currently doing.  Why am I that way?

This week I have had two opportunities to hear how God provides Daily. First,  JD, our Ex. Pastor, was leading devotion and spoke of the Israelites daily Manna and Quail.  God providing just enough for that day. They couldn't stock up...expect on the eve of the Sabbath so they could rest on the Sabbath, otherwise the manna and quail would spoil.  Daily provision.  The connection was also made to our daily time with the Father. We will go through an intense season of QT's and then the pace of life picks up so we slack off thinking we have enough to keep us going. But, in reality, that's not the case. We need daily time and feeding from the Lord.

Second was at our ladies Bible study this week one member had her mother that is visiting from out of state with her. Her name is also Debbie. Debbie for several years was on staff as the Missions Pastor for her church. She went through the tragedy of losing a 21 year old daughter to cancer in the matter of a few months.  I don't want to forget one thing Debbie said, "God taught me that he is giving me grace for this day...just this day." 

On top of these two occurrences, I'm reviewing the names of God from the Bible study and am struck by El Shaddai - all sufficient one. Some scholars believe this name is connected to the life coming forth from a mother's breast to her child. The breast is all-sufficient to the child.  My thought is the child only receives the nutrition it needs for that time span and then must nurse again.  The infant can't stock up for an extended amount of time. Without regular, daily, nursing the child will whither. I need to call on El Shaddai daily or I will absolutely whither.

My Lessons ~
  • Daily time with the Father is not an stocking is essential
  • God provides what I need daily and that's what I'm to focus on. His goodness now.
  • He is the God of the future...not me.
Where do I see God now?
  • Lonnie completed BE I, II, and is in final stages of BE III . He is working on the ministry plan. He will have a coach for 12 weeks as he refines it.  It will be a foundation of our ministry.
  • A mission partner supplied the bulk of the tuition for BE I, II, & III
  • Lonnie is excited to complete the ministry plan...there is such joy in his spirit.
  • LU sent me a one year contract as a full-time online professor. This means I am assured 9 classes this year and will be paid semi-monthly. In the past it has been a wait and see if I have a course and the pay is one lump sum 3 weeks after the course ends.  This is HUGE in anticipating income for the mission field. The Lord just gave assurance and regularity of income.   
  • A talented web designer has volunteered offered to help me with our web page.
  • God is building networks for His ministry. We had a marvelous meeting with an individual that works for a non-profit that produces Character Education curriculum for use in 3rd world countries. They are setting up an office in Pretoria, SA this summer.  This organization also has connections with JAM. JAM is another ministry we will be speaking with in regards to partnership.  We walked away excited that is weaving his ministry together!
What's my take away?  God is my daily provider...grace for this day...filling of my spirit for this day. Each morning I must do the work of seeking after Him.

Jehovah-jireh, I praise and thank you for all your provision! Amen

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