Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Settled when...

The chaos of moving has begun. What is staying in the house for James and Kels, going to another location for safe storage, or stored in our shed. Boxes are piling up...stuff to be organized still.  Shew!

As I was stressing in the midst of packing boxes, moving furniture - basically turning my home upside down -the other day and just wanting some order to my home I realized, "Debbie, you will not be settled now until you are in your new home in South Africa." Wow....that is true.

I sat in staff meeting yesterday realizing the plans being made were not something I would be a part of. My huddle has ended and I should be starting with another group of ladies...but now my huddle will be in SA with ladies I don't even know yet. 

Three weeks ago I heard the oncologist say, "You have a chronic type of's early and a type you may never really see serious symptoms from. It could be 10 years before you need treatment. In the meantime we will actively monitor you."  In those moments all you hear is "Cancer"  but I struggled to hear my Lord say, "All is well. It could be worse. We will get through this. You are still going."  

Settled when ...  I rely on the Lord of my life to give me a settled spirit. Looking forward to the new things He has for us and trusting Him with the big and little things.

Michael sent me this verse this morning and even though it is what God is using to speak into his speaks volumes into mine....

Ps. 34:4  "I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears."

Praise you my Father, Healer, Provider!

I'm settled when ... I trust you.

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