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Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O Lord, God of hosts. Jeremiah 15:16
Mr. Kroll writes, "Every Christian bears Christ's name; live as an honor to His name."
Lord, the time we spend studying your words helps us to live in honor to you. Thank you that your word is alive and touches our lives in a real way. Yesterday was a tough day and I don't even want to imagine what it would be like if I hadn't spent time talking with you. Jeremiah had it far worse than we do and he could say it was your word that gave his heart delight. Only your word...not the circumstances...but you. Your presence is our lives helps us to adjust, endure, have confidence that you are walking with us. We are called by your name so may our lives glorify you! I praise you for that!
A message from Krugersdorf. Things are progressing...but at a slow pace. Renovations are already taking place. "My three sons" stop by to check it out everyday. They are addicted to glue. Lord, there are others that need to be off the street before they become addicted. Move your hand to provide the written documentation they need to get the safe house going.
I received an email from my sister in Christ yesterday that you had her praying for us at 3:30 in the morning! God, you for knew it was going to be a tough day. Here is here message to us -
Well, the lord also woke me this morning(around 3;30). I was praying for you as well. The lord had me journal what he was asking of you so that I should pray. The verse in Malachi 3:10 was the verse. (read the verses after as well) The people were being asked to bring their full offering in a time of gov. corruption and a season of drought. The Persian gov. levied heavy taxes and the drought made any agricultural livelihood sparse.To bring an unblemished sacrifice was a scary thing. God asked them for their cash crops- the full portion. He asked them to leap. It meant total surrender when all you could see was no future.Yet he said..." test me in this" That meant you walk in faith but know the possibility exists that I just maybe wrong about this whole God thing. Yet, we must walk in faith. he is our only option.
Here is a quote form the book I was reading... Restless Faith." For me, faith has often equaled some form of unflinching assurance.To have faith is to know , and to know, in my sense, is to have siphoned away every uncertainly. Faith, essentially is the absence of mystery. As I now see it, faith and doubt are bedfellows-strange ones, indeed, but partners all the same. Faith requires, to at least some degree, some possibility that I could be wrong." oh well, all that to say I am praying for you guys... cause God is asking a BIG ASK. I know you will walk with him.... and I will pray. YOUR FRIEND
It is a big ask, Lord, but you created our hearts, you have shaped them to desire this in our lives. It is scary and we don't know how it will all work. Maybe my fleeces take away the "faith" part...stepping forward when you could fail. But God, you know my heart and so I'm still asking that you demonstrate your perfect timing by addressing the fleeces...I don't want SA to just be a great adventure...I want it to be your calling!
2 Timothy 2
v. 1 You then, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
We should keep moving and working hard for God's kingdom. Just as soldiers, farmers, athletes, we must train, exercise, be disciplined. We do not question, we work and train hard moving towards the goal the Lord has set before us. Realizing there will be pain and discomfort.
v23-26 Have nothing to do with stupid and senseless controversies; you know that they breed quarrels. And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kindly to everyone, an apt teacher, patient, correcting opponents with truth, and that they may escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.
God we are tempted to be angry and quarrelsome. It is so hard not to be when people "push your button" or are just unreasonable. Show us how to be strong, truthful, and diligent while still honoring you. We are not meant to be tramped on, we are meant to serve you with dignity and fighting for truth.
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