Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 108: Covered

"... and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by..." Exodus 33:22

The Lord responded to Moses pleas to "show me your ways." How often I pray this.

"Lord, show me your ways...your plans...the next steps"

God placed Moses in the cleft of the rock (protection) and then He passed by him - to show Moses his goodness, grace, mercy, glory. And, God said to Moses, "and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by then I will take away my hand and you shall see my back; but not my face-"

Is this FAITH? I know my God is working. His attributes are sure ...I am sure of that...But His hand covers my face so that I cannot see- In those moments, Lord, when I can't see you are protecting me...when I can see I look at what you have done...I must trust what I know of you...when I don't understand your ways...I can't "see" help me to remember that sometimes all I can see is your hand of protection.

Debbie, have confidence, faith. In me that I am with you close my hand is covering you. There is so much of my way you can't comprehend and I will reveal when it is done and I have passed by. this is to protect you. Cling to what you know of me.

[playing on ipod..You are more then the sum of your past mistakes. You've been remade. Tenth Avenue North]

Your financial mistakes (school debt) will be a struggle - but not a barrier to my plan for S.A. Keep working hard at LU. That is my provision.

Thank you, my Father, for your hand of protection.


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