It bubbled up inside me as I read,
"...God specified only those 'whose hearts are stirred' to participate in this project (Ex. 25:2)." Shrier, He Speaks to Me, pg 33
The words...hearts stirred to participate! To join God in his be a part of what he is about it not simply to be worker bees...going through the motions...but to have a heart desire to be about my Father's calling.
Abba, my heart has been stirred to serve you. Specifically, in Africa with the children that have no parents...those that have only themselves to care for them. No comfort of an orphanage. Just the comfort of siblings. My heart has been stirred. My heart was stirred in Pawley's Island when I sensed your whisper to reach a community in my community here. To begin building a bridge to that community. When you tell us to go and reach our Jerusalem...
Act 1:8
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
But the stirring and the urgency diminished as I went through my daily routine...why?
Oh, Lord, forgive me, I stopped seeking you in worship. It is in your presence that the stirring continues. I long for that but then I don't seek you with my whole heart. I am not intentional about it or set it as an unconditional priority in my day. I long for you to answer and to move us in your direction, but I'm not longing enough to set aside daily intentional time with you.
Forgive me my Father. I praise you for this awareness that brings grief to my spirit. In this still moment now I sense your whisper...
"Debbie...If you seek me with your WHOLE heart you will find me. Make me a priority in the day as I made you a priority when my son died for you. I love you and I have a marvelous plan that will stir your heart beyond imagine. I am near you even now. "
My heart is stirred.
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