I came across this article in an email from Children's Ministry Today
- Can You Really Make the Change? - from Pastor Gary
I wish to share with you about three separate conversations God placed me in this past week. Each conversation was with a different person. Each conversation was in a different situation. Each conversation was initiated by the other person. Yet, all three conversations focused on the same thought.
Usually I prefer to lay some groundwork for our topic but, today, let us get straight into it. Today is a day for us to consider "FIRSTFRUITS." What does that term mean to you? Of course, we know it is in the Bible in Nehemiah 10:35 where the Levites are expressing how they will carry out their duties. The concept of "FIRSTFRUITS" is also seen in the principle of tithing. This is ultimately expressed through God's "FIRSTFRUITS" gift of His "FIRSTBORN" Son's sacrifice. How does this topic actively work out in our lives?
Consider that each day is filled with "FIRSTS." As you awake in the morning, you have your "FIRST" glimpse of the day. Followed almost immediately by your "FIRST" thought. You will experience your "FIRST" word for each day, "FIRST" bite of something to eat, and "FIRST" activity for the day.
You can easily carry this concept of "FIRSTS" over into your relationships and work. So often conflicts, struggles, and disappointments come into our relationships and work because we have not fully grasped the principle of "FIRSTFRUITS."
"FIRSTFRUITS" means that Father God is "FIRST!" He receives the "FIRSTFRUITS" of your life and ministry. Yet, "FIRSTFRUITS" continues because God set up a structure, a Divine Order, for your life. He has put certain people and responsibilities into your life that must receive the "FIRSTFRUITS" of your attentions. (For example - You are standing in the middle of a room. If three people simultaneously call out your name-- your spouse, your child, a parishioner --to whom do you turn? This shows your choice of "FIRSTFRUITS.")
If something is out of place in an area of our "FIRSTFRUITS," it will hold us back in life and ministry because it is going against a Divine Order which God has set up. Sometimes, we muddle up the other "FIRSTFRUITS" areas of our lives.
After Father God,...
who receives the "FIRSTFRUITS" of your time?
who receives the "FIRSTFRUITS" of your energies?
who receives the "FIRSTFRUITS" of your finances?
(your spouse, your children, job, ministry, friends, parishioners)
The most obvious question comes, "Can you really make the change?". When you become focused and make a quality decision to change your life and ministry to align with God's design of "FIRSTFRUITS," you will begin experiencing a new freshness and freedom.
-Pastor Gary
Then on top of this during my Bible study the topic was strength from the Lord...having the Holy Spirit to give us strength to cast off the tendencies of the world and put on what honors God.
"Lord, I want you to receive the FIRSTFRUITS of my time in the morning through my Quiet Time; of my energy in attending to the ministry to have given me when I am alert and at my best; and fiances as we continue to honor you with our tithe and offering. Amen"
the spiritual journey of someone desiring to know and do God's will, even when it is difficult.
Children caring for children
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Day 109: Mountains and Wheelbarrows
Somethings in my life seem to be like a mountain that never diminishes. I sit and look at it...worry over it...wish it were never there...wish I had seen it growing from the hill it once was...wondering why I allowed it or if God allowed it to place me in this posture of total dependence upon him.
My mountain is in the realm of finances. Not consumer debt...it's not the things...we don't have fancy anything. We are very conservative. Our debt is in school debt. Paying for the children and for me. We struggled all along in our finances when the children were young. Believing we couldn't save money for college.
So, what perhaps were our errors?
You do not condemn and have forgiven. We have learned. We acknowledge your sovereignty. You will continue to provide. Help us not to allow Satan to defeat us spiritually, emotionally. To recall...
Praise the Lord, o my soul, and forget not all his benefits... Psalm 103:2
Thank you for our wheelbarrows...give us strength to keep moving that mountain so we can pass into your promised land.
How amazing...a song that has been resonating in my mind just now began to play on my iPod....
"What I need is for you to reach out your hand. You have taught me that no matter what you would understand.... (FFH, Lord Move, Or Move Me)
Is this a coincidence? Absolutely not! Lord, move me and my wheelbarrow. Move in a way I've never seen before!
Thank you Jesus!
My mountain is in the realm of finances. Not consumer debt...it's not the things...we don't have fancy anything. We are very conservative. Our debt is in school debt. Paying for the children and for me. We struggled all along in our finances when the children were young. Believing we couldn't save money for college.
So, what perhaps were our errors?
- Not sending one to an affordable college for our family? Wanting to give only their heart's desire?
- Not trusting the Lord to provide for what he called me to do...pursue my final degree. Panicking and taking the easy way out...loan.
- 3 children and average income...not being able to adequately save for college
- for one year there were 3 of us in college/grad school
- We have been able to keep pace the last 4 years so that was wonderful. The Lord blessed with my Fellowship the last year of my doctoral program...that was God!
- Cost of one in Christian private school
- Cost of travel sports
- Housing market droping out from under everyone. Two homes and two mortgages.
- Using the degree, college experience, and even location to prepare one for ministry. Grace learned first hand.
- Molding the heart of a future teacher and missionary in private Christian school
- Committed scholar athletes. Sports that motivate and focus. Teach life skills.
- Calling of obedience to pursue terminal degree that now provides work from home to whittle away at the mountain.
- Providing so we didn't loose two homes. Enough to scape by
- Tenants to hold on to one home
- Teaching online to pay for college tuition's
- Income (tax refund) so we could go to SA...three of us! The Lord worked while we were there.
- Continued ability to tithe and give to special projects...missions.
You do not condemn and have forgiven. We have learned. We acknowledge your sovereignty. You will continue to provide. Help us not to allow Satan to defeat us spiritually, emotionally. To recall...
Praise the Lord, o my soul, and forget not all his benefits... Psalm 103:2
Thank you for our wheelbarrows...give us strength to keep moving that mountain so we can pass into your promised land.
How amazing...a song that has been resonating in my mind just now began to play on my iPod....
"What I need is for you to reach out your hand. You have taught me that no matter what you would understand.... (FFH, Lord Move, Or Move Me)
Is this a coincidence? Absolutely not! Lord, move me and my wheelbarrow. Move in a way I've never seen before!
Thank you Jesus!
Part 2: Mountains and Wheelbarrows
Mountains and Wheelbarrows: The song that played as my gift from the Lord...just the right timing. I love it when my Abba speaks into my heart at just the right time...
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Day 108: Covered
"... and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by..." Exodus 33:22
The Lord responded to Moses pleas to "show me your ways." How often I pray this.
"Lord, show me your ways...your plans...the next steps"
God placed Moses in the cleft of the rock (protection) and then He passed by him - to show Moses his goodness, grace, mercy, glory. And, God said to Moses, "and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by then I will take away my hand and you shall see my back; but not my face-"
Is this FAITH? I know my God is working. His attributes are sure ...I am sure of that...But His hand covers my face so that I cannot see- In those moments, Lord, when I can't see you ...you are protecting me...when I can see I look at what you have done...I must trust what I know of you...when I don't understand your ways...I can't "see" help me to remember that sometimes all I can see is your hand of protection.
Debbie, have confidence, faith. In me that I am with you ...so close my hand is covering you. There is so much of my way you can't comprehend and I will reveal when it is done and I have passed by. this is to protect you. Cling to what you know of me.
[playing on ipod..You are more then the sum of your past mistakes. You've been remade. Tenth Avenue North]
Your financial mistakes (school debt) will be a struggle - but not a barrier to my plan for S.A. Keep working hard at LU. That is my provision.
Thank you, my Father, for your hand of protection.
The Lord responded to Moses pleas to "show me your ways." How often I pray this.
"Lord, show me your ways...your plans...the next steps"
God placed Moses in the cleft of the rock (protection) and then He passed by him - to show Moses his goodness, grace, mercy, glory. And, God said to Moses, "and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by then I will take away my hand and you shall see my back; but not my face-"
Is this FAITH? I know my God is working. His attributes are sure ...I am sure of that...But His hand covers my face so that I cannot see- In those moments, Lord, when I can't see you ...you are protecting me...when I can see I look at what you have done...I must trust what I know of you...when I don't understand your ways...I can't "see" help me to remember that sometimes all I can see is your hand of protection.
Debbie, have confidence, faith. In me that I am with you ...so close my hand is covering you. There is so much of my way you can't comprehend and I will reveal when it is done and I have passed by. this is to protect you. Cling to what you know of me.
[playing on ipod..You are more then the sum of your past mistakes. You've been remade. Tenth Avenue North]
Your financial mistakes (school debt) will be a struggle - but not a barrier to my plan for S.A. Keep working hard at LU. That is my provision.
Thank you, my Father, for your hand of protection.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Day 107: Stirred or Stagnant
It bubbled up inside me as I read,
"...God specified only those 'whose hearts are stirred' to participate in this project (Ex. 25:2)." Shrier, He Speaks to Me, pg 33
The words...hearts stirred to participate! To join God in his work...to be a part of what he is about it not simply to be worker bees...going through the motions...but to have a heart stirred...to desire to be about my Father's calling.
Abba, my heart has been stirred to serve you. Specifically, in Africa with the children that have no parents...those that have only themselves to care for them. No comfort of an orphanage. Just the comfort of siblings. My heart has been stirred. My heart was stirred in Pawley's Island when I sensed your whisper to reach a community in my community here. To begin building a bridge to that community. When you tell us to go and reach our Jerusalem...
Act 1:8
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
But the stirring and the urgency diminished as I went through my daily routine...why?
Oh, Lord, forgive me, I stopped seeking you in worship. It is in your presence that the stirring continues. I long for that but then I don't seek you with my whole heart. I am not intentional about it or set it as an unconditional priority in my day. I long for you to answer and to move us in your direction, but I'm not longing enough to set aside daily intentional time with you.
Forgive me my Father. I praise you for this awareness that brings grief to my spirit. In this still moment now I sense your whisper...
"Debbie...If you seek me with your WHOLE heart you will find me. Make me a priority in the day as I made you a priority when my son died for you. I love you and I have a marvelous plan that will stir your heart beyond imagine. I am near you even now. "
My heart is stirred.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Day 106: Faithful
You are Faithful...your joy is my strength. The words of Hillsong are playing on my IPod. Just finished daily Bible study on Lord's prayer...all about "faith" Key passage is
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
That's the hardest part...assurance of things and conviction of things not seen, nor understood. Beyond my comprehension. I'll be honest and admit it is hard to have faith that God does know me by name...intimately. That he knows my needs...even my secret needs. that he knows my heart's desires for my family. Sometimes I think perhaps I am naive to think he will make everything work ... how can that be? And then you throw in there his permissive will.
I think specifically about our future serving Him. The future of our children. I find myself praying and confidently asking, yet hesitant that God would answer. Hesitant that I can pray the Father's will. What happens when I think it is God's will and then it turns out not being what I anticipated or thought I saw unfolding? There have been times when I thought I saw God working and moving in a specific direction only to become aware that the outcome was not what I thought it would be. Did I misunderstand? Obviously. Did I not pray enough? Perhaps. Did I lack faith? Maybe a smidgen. Do I need to just acknowledge that His ways are not mine and I am not to try and figure it out? Absolutely. I am to pray for understanding and FAITH....to accept what his plans are for today and tomorrow.
Father, give us this day our daily bread.....Father, I am confident in you. Holy Spirit help me to be aware of my Father's movement in my life and the life of those I love. Jesus, thank you for your sacrifice so that I can talk directly to my Abba. I trust you. I have faith in what I don't understand...nor see...I just know your character to be unchanging...and in that I have FAITH in your love for us. Your will be done... Amen
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
That's the hardest part...assurance of things and conviction of things not seen, nor understood. Beyond my comprehension. I'll be honest and admit it is hard to have faith that God does know me by name...intimately. That he knows my needs...even my secret needs. that he knows my heart's desires for my family. Sometimes I think perhaps I am naive to think he will make everything work ... how can that be? And then you throw in there his permissive will.
I think specifically about our future serving Him. The future of our children. I find myself praying and confidently asking, yet hesitant that God would answer. Hesitant that I can pray the Father's will. What happens when I think it is God's will and then it turns out not being what I anticipated or thought I saw unfolding? There have been times when I thought I saw God working and moving in a specific direction only to become aware that the outcome was not what I thought it would be. Did I misunderstand? Obviously. Did I not pray enough? Perhaps. Did I lack faith? Maybe a smidgen. Do I need to just acknowledge that His ways are not mine and I am not to try and figure it out? Absolutely. I am to pray for understanding and FAITH....to accept what his plans are for today and tomorrow.
Father, give us this day our daily bread.....Father, I am confident in you. Holy Spirit help me to be aware of my Father's movement in my life and the life of those I love. Jesus, thank you for your sacrifice so that I can talk directly to my Abba. I trust you. I have faith in what I don't understand...nor see...I just know your character to be unchanging...and in that I have FAITH in your love for us. Your will be done... Amen
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Day 105: Friendship
Even my best of friends can hurt my feelings. In a conversation when I'm excited and can't wait to share with them, but in return they appear uninterested. Sometimes it is difficult to discern if they are just having a bad day, thus their abruptness and seemingly condescending words. Or at least that's what I percieve...but where does that come from?
Satan steps in and keeps me up at night rehearsing conversations and causing me to begin the blame game. Thinking of the times I was corrected in my actions and wanting to show others their inperfections as well. Loss of sleep is frustrating. My mind can quickly ease into the deceivers playground.
Then the graciousness of the Holy Spirit brings a peace when I call on Him. The Lord's prayer begins to run through my mind as I focus on what ever is good and honorable. Thanking God for my friends and praying for them. Realizing that no one is perfect...especially me. Asking Jesus what I can do for my friend to bless them and encourage them.
This morning's online devotion includes
"There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" (18:24). That friend is Jesus. He promised us, "I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matt. 28:20).
I want to be like Jesus in my friendships. I want to be close and intimate with Christ as a friend.
Lord, help me to be like you. To stay close to you so that I can be close, loving, and forgiving in my friendships. Thank you for my friends. Be with them right now. Encourage them in a way only you can.
Satan steps in and keeps me up at night rehearsing conversations and causing me to begin the blame game. Thinking of the times I was corrected in my actions and wanting to show others their inperfections as well. Loss of sleep is frustrating. My mind can quickly ease into the deceivers playground.
Then the graciousness of the Holy Spirit brings a peace when I call on Him. The Lord's prayer begins to run through my mind as I focus on what ever is good and honorable. Thanking God for my friends and praying for them. Realizing that no one is perfect...especially me. Asking Jesus what I can do for my friend to bless them and encourage them.
This morning's online devotion includes
"There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" (18:24). That friend is Jesus. He promised us, "I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matt. 28:20).
I want to be like Jesus in my friendships. I want to be close and intimate with Christ as a friend.
Lord, help me to be like you. To stay close to you so that I can be close, loving, and forgiving in my friendships. Thank you for my friends. Be with them right now. Encourage them in a way only you can.
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