Buy why? While reading PricillaShirer's One in a Million this morning something she wrote beamed out like a light in the pitch darkness. Shirer writes of Job:
"Why would God lead a person like this to the wilderness? Maybe the answer we're seeking comes at the end of Job's ordeal. After a long, torturous run through some of the driest, dustiest conditions ever known to man, Job was able to articulate something he could never have put into these kinds of words before. He said to the Lord, 'I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear'--back when I was safe and secure in my happy, unhurried world--'but now my eye sees You' (42:5). Now I know You by experience."She goes on to speak of God's reasoning for leading the people in the least direct path to Canaan. Even though there was nearer route why would God take them the long way? (This is before their refusal to go into Canaan) "The People might change their minds" (Exod. 13:17). Change their minds means they might have regrets or a change of heart.
Have we gone through all we did to experience first hand God's provision? We didn't loose everything! He has provided the necessities for us...and a few bonuses. We have more than heard of God's provision.
We know Him by experience.
Perhaps, OK, not home has been an idol in my life. I realized it when I was preaching my last series and defined an idol as something we trust, have faith in, more then God.
This is what I sensed God clarifying for me: I'm not sure I trust God that I'll be able to have a nice home when I get back from Africa...what will the interest rates be? Cost of living? Where will we have to be? Where will we work to even qualify for a home? Will a short sale ruin our credit? So I'm trusting that if I keep this home my future will be taken care ... I'm placing trust and faith in a physical structure more so then in God.
Ahh ha! God had us fight to keep above water so we would "Know Him by experience"
It is by experience that we will continue to know him...our minds to have no regrets as we place our feet on South African soil. How freeing would that be...not to worry about mortgages here...tremendous!
You know me so well. I am a hands on learner. Thank for your revelations and insight this morning. Continue to lead us in your path...the direction you would have us to go. To relinquish what you would have us relinquish. Or even to fight for what you would have us fight for.
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