Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 142: The Joy of The Lord

"Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength!”   Nehemiah 8:10

There are times when circumstances are so crazy  you have to make a choice- cry or laugh. There are times when continued challenges are chosen to be viewed as either  the deceiver trying to rob you of all your joy and nothing more, or the Lord's opportunity to work.  Recently in one of those times we chose joy and to remember as Joseph said to his brothers, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."  (Genesis 50:20)

6:30 am on a Saturday morning -  "Mom, you'll never guess what?  I'm broke down in the middle of the intersection, pushed car to side. Tow truck on the way."   Thus we were on our way to Lynchurg to the rescue and recover a car with 170,000 miles. 18 hours later mission accomplished

Monday/Tuesday - search and find a solid and affordable used car for our girl. Praise the Lord we were blessed!

Monday one week later
  • Afternoon phone call #1:  Daughter's new to her car has to be towed to dealership. Won't start. New ignition switch needed and repaired.
  • Afternoon phone call #2: from daughter-in-law driving our car for work...belt broke - car needs to be towed.
  • Raining - can't drive the truck because windshield wipers work sporadically.
  • Waiting for tow truck in Norfolk - car we are driving to meet tow truck won't re-start. Get it going once tow company arrives and are able to drive this one home.
It seemed like one calamity after another. I actually believed at one point I couldn't take one more thing...I was ready to just jump off the ship. The final straw was the car not starting that we were waiting in to meet the tow truck to tow the other car! I said to myself...seriously...3 tow bills in one day for the Warrens...go figure!

I had to do a switch in attitude...the verse above kept coming into my mind and spirit! Thank you Lord for the joy of laughter! Knowing you are with us and we will be ok.  Knowing that we may endure much greater challenges in Africa. Can we laugh and maintain our focus then? This is a preparation season. Praying the Lord will allow our two vehicles to last 11 more months...Lord, please...11 more months.

The passage from Nehemiah is well known. What may not be so well known is the people have been crying and wailing as they have listened to the God's word being read. The prophet tells them...stop crying...go and be merry.  It's good to be broken and convicted by God's word.  There are, however, times when it is better to rejoice in the Lord and it is just the joy of his presence and knowing he is in control, he sees, and he cares, that causes us to laugh.

Laugh I did!

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