Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 126: Forward

I have been away for a few weeks. One week in Lynchburg with the college girls...and one week in St. Charles with our college boy. My how time does speed past us. He graduates this May. We are praying about his future, specifically that God will grant him his heart's desire if it is God's heart's desire for Mike.

Plans for our future are coming in closer. It is time to begin putting serious effort into what God has for us. There is a bit of excitement, but more apprehention and nervousness. So much to do. How will God provide. What about this, about that, about them?  The questions swim in my mind. Changes at the ministry level. Knowing change is good and necessary but knowing I am not a part of that change longterm. 

In my daily Bible reading a Psalm hit home for me.

Psalm 51:10-19
Make a clean heart in me, O God, give me a new spirit that will not be moved. ... Let the joy of your saving power return to me. And give me a willing spirit to obey you.  Then I will teach wrong-doers Your ways. And sinners will turn to You.

I need your divine guidance and intervention. Help me to look forward to what you have for us instead of dwelling in the past and what might not be.  I pray for excitement, vision, and hope for that future.  Acknowledge within my spirit when I am listening to the deceiver and not to you my Lord. For you are our hope and our future.  Conflict me when I slip back and away from your voice to be captured by the lies of him who would rob our joy.  In you I place all our needs. Work through each minute detail of our future.

I do trust in you. I pray whole hearted that you will "Let the joy of your saving power return to me."   Yes, Lord, I love them.


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