Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 112: Follow the Leader


This year I am committed to reading through the Bible. I've started in the past and stopped to do this study or that...but this year I am going to stick to it...even when I pick up another study I will not stop this part of my spiritual journey. So with Bible in one hand and pencil in another...the journey moves forward.

When he had finished talking with him, God went up from Abraham...and he cut off their piece of skin that very day, as God had told him to do.   Genesis 18:22, 23

Recently I was reading about God's command to Abram to circumcised the men.  I thought to my self, "Lord, that is the craziest thing...what would be my reaction if Hank asked something so crazy of our congregation...or if you asked me to require something so seemingly crazy of those that I lead.  Why did Abram know it was you? Why did those that follow him know he hadn't just gone off his rocker?

I believe Abram's relationship with God was above reproach. He had conversations with the Lord. There was a history of God speaking and Abram obeying. Abram trusted God and knew his voice intimately. He knew God.

Over the course of my life I have heard God's voice and have trusted his promises. I have followed and I have stood still at his command.  I pray that those I lead will have confidence in my ability to know my Father's voice. I have confidence that Hank leads from God's voice.  I am not a blind follower...I would pray and seek God...but I trust Hank as our spiritual leader. I know that my Pastor spends quality time with the Lord and that is what gives me confidence in following my leader.

Lord, help me to be the type of leader that people will follow. As your servant if you give direction I pray I will have shared my walk with those you ask me to lead so that they will see you in my life and not see me. Help me to remember that it is my history with you that I rely on when the ask is big. I want to recall each time you have walked with me through the difficulty, the seemingly impossible. My walk with you is a faith journey; I ask that I can share that journey with those around me.  May I know you so well that I can be immediately obedient...even when it seems crazy...but know you will make is plausible. Be with me each time I open your love letter to me...that I may hear your voice..know your heart...and respond as you would have me.  You are my leader...I pray I will be able to lead to honor you.   Amen.

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