In scripture God uses the word "you" in reference to specific individuals, groups of people, and even generations. God promised so much to Jacob and Joseph that came to be in future generations. Where my frustration comes in is discerning which you God is speaking about? I don't want to manipulate God's will and I don't want to miss the boat either!
Back to the Bible
Daniel 4:35
All the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing; He does according to His will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth. No one can restrain His hand or say to Him, "What have You done?"
After writing the first paragraph of this entry I wandered over to the "Back to the Bible" site and just loved today's lesson. From the book of Daniel we are reminded that no one can change God's ultimate purpose. When God is in it and moving I can be assured it will happen. Now, the kicker might be which generation :) but I can be assured that my God is true to his word. When I am faced with challenges and what seems to be a road block I can be assured my God is going to do what he said he would do. He is a promise, covenant, keeping God. When my plans and desires are His will for my life, He will keep them safe and see to it that His will is fulfilled.
Kroll writes:
"It's a great comfort to those who love the Lord to know that He can be neither intimidated nor defeated. If they are from the Lord, whatever plans we have will unfold no matter who opposes them. Jesus said, "See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it" (Rev. 3:8). Conversely, if your plans are not from the Lord, they ultimately will fail no matter who proposes them. "
Help me to remember this! The plans that we believe you are placing on our lives, if they are your will, they are going to happen. Any stumbling blocks that we experience are distractions. You our Father will walk with us and help us to discern your timing. Forgive me when I doubt. Forgive me when I misread your "will" and take that lightly. May I spend time with you, in your word, seeking wise counsel so that I correctly discern your will. Help me, as emotional as I am, to not react to my emotions; but instead, help me to react to your will.
Be with our children. May they hear your voice individually and collectively as our future generations. I also pray for our spiritual children, all those that learn about you here in our home.
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