Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 75: Obedience without Understanding

Back to the Bible

"By faith he kept the Passover and the sprinkling of blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn would not touch the firstborn of Israel." Hebrews 11:28

I can't imagine being Moses. I major mess to the dessert (this part I can associate with) and then years later a bush speaks to me and says it is God's voice. Unbelievable? Yes! But believable? Yes, when you know my God. Then God sends Moses back to his home place...imagine Pharaoh's daughter, the one that raised Moses, when she sees this scrubby man walk in 40 some years talk to the Pharaoh. A better desription would be to tell Pharaoh that God said let my people go! To let thousands of people! It would only be because a bush had spoken that would have given me the undeniable confidence that God actually said it. And on top of that, Moses gives his leaders instructions on what to say to the people so that the death angle will passover their home! Use a branch to put blood over the doorframe and on the door posts.

Lesson for me....there are times I need a burning bush but I don't seem to get it... God chooses to use other methods to grab my attention. I know for sure God has spoken through His word in regards to a few areas of our lives...and now I am just waiting and praying I am being obedient.

There are times I just have to take on FAITH what the Bible tells me to be true and what I need to be about. Moses was in the dessert 40 years waiting for God's timing to use him as he saw fit. It is back to that waiting time and that trusting God even though I don't understand it! I don't want to be in the wilderness wandering around because I'm afraid to step where God says step.

Lord, some things seem crazy the sacrifice of a lamb saving the life of a family's first born...even a death angle flying over an entire city...but the truth is it doesn't matter how crazy it is to are God and I have to move when you say move and trust when you say trust.

Crazy that we can survive the financial strain we are in? Yes! Crazy that we can prepare for the next step? Yes! Crazy that God's plan would have us serve in a place foreign to us and in a manner we don't understand? Yes! As crazy to me as hearing God say blood over the door seal? In my world, yes.

But the ability to be obedient even without understanding? Yes!
Because as we are learning in Believing God:
  • God is who He says He is
  • God can do what He says He can do
  • I am who God says I am
  • I can do all things through Christ
  • God's Word is alive and active in me

Mar 9:23
" 'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes."


Lord, help me in my disbelief. Even when I don't understand, when life is hard, help me to trust you and obey. Bless my friends that are struggling right now...relationships, finances, a place to call home. Continue to place your hedge of protection around our children. Draw them to you. Bless their relationships. May they put you first! I love you, Father.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 74: "You"

In scripture God uses the word "you" in reference to specific individuals, groups of people, and even generations. God promised so much to Jacob and Joseph that came to be in future generations. Where my frustration comes in is discerning which you God is speaking about? I don't want to manipulate God's will and I don't want to miss the boat either!

Back to the Bible

Daniel 4:35
All the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing; He does according to His will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth. No one can restrain His hand or say to Him, "What have You done?"

After writing the first paragraph of this entry I wandered over to the "Back to the Bible" site and just loved today's lesson. From the book of Daniel we are reminded that no one can change God's ultimate purpose. When God is in it and moving I can be assured it will happen. Now, the kicker might be which generation :) but I can be assured that my God is true to his word. When I am faced with challenges and what seems to be a road block I can be assured my God is going to do what he said he would do. He is a promise, covenant, keeping God. When my plans and desires are His will for my life, He will keep them safe and see to it that His will is fulfilled.

Kroll writes:

"It's a great comfort to those who love the Lord to know that He can be neither intimidated nor defeated. If they are from the Lord, whatever plans we have will unfold no matter who opposes them. Jesus said, "See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it" (Rev. 3:8). Conversely, if your plans are not from the Lord, they ultimately will fail no matter who proposes them. "


Help me to remember this! The plans that we believe you are placing on our lives, if they are your will, they are going to happen. Any stumbling blocks that we experience are distractions. You our Father will walk with us and help us to discern your timing. Forgive me when I doubt. Forgive me when I misread your "will" and take that lightly. May I spend time with you, in your word, seeking wise counsel so that I correctly discern your will. Help me, as emotional as I am, to not react to my emotions; but instead, help me to react to your will.

Be with our children. May they hear your voice individually and collectively as our future generations. I also pray for our spiritual children, all those that learn about you here in our home.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 73: I'm Back!

Have you ever just been numb, lethargic, going through the motions, too lazy to journal? How do you get back up and start? Do you feel like you are on a roller coaster ride in life where there are more downs than up? You just don't get what is happening? Are challenges ever going to to be better? Who do you believe when they whisper into your heart?

Back to the Bible

Daniel 3:24 (ESV)
24 Then King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished and rose up in haste. He declared to his counselors, “Did we not cast three men bound into the fire?” They answered and said to the king, “True, O king.”

The author writes, "If you are going through a time of fiery testing, let Christ's presence bring you comfort and peace. He will hold your hand. He will walk with you. And when it's over, you will come out stronger and freer than when you went in. Don't fear the fiery furnace; trust God.
Walk with God and you'll never walk alone."

The Past Month
It has been over one month since I blogged. I have been having a quiet time but not blogging. I was so lazy and overwhelmed with "stuff" that I forgot my password, which was an excuse. But I'm back with this now ... to journal this crazy journey.

It has been a spiritually trying month. I've been so BUSY DOING that I often forgot to BE. I so quickly slipped right back into the "MARTHA" role that I forgot to be "MARY." So sadly I can hear my Lord say, "Debbie, Debbie, Debbie, you are concerned about so many things except the one thing that is most important." Lord forgive me, please. I have been busy doing and not being in your presence as much as I should. It was at times just read something and click that off the list. But in that you still were very faithful to teach me and encourage me.

I have continued "Believing God" by Beth Moore. An excellent study that challenges me and blesses me. I believe the one teaching that stands out to me is what she calls the "Later Syndrome." That is...obey God now....and wait until later for the blessing. She even says that in our obedience we may cry out..."Lord, this is a bigger mess then when we started!" But God is still working ... and maybe working on our inside, which he is most concerned with.

That's how I feel about the NL house. We knew God was moving us here over three years ago, but he chose not to sell that house. The home is empty now and we are praying about God's next tenant. We have things we have to do to that home before we can rent it. We can't sell it as the appraised tax value just dropped yet again. Amazing how it can go from 440 to under 300.
So it seems for us it always comes down to money...not enough to meet the necessities. One step forward, two steps back.

The Lord knows!

In the midst of all money for the mission trip to SA is secured. Becca is funded. Lonnie is funded. We are going. It is obvious where the Lord wants us on mission this summer. We will have time to dream God's future for us while we are there. I've begun to think through the information I'd like to gather. Financially, I'm just trusting him to fill in the gaps else where.

Like with Daniel the Lord will walk beside us. When I doubt I recall pharses from different verses...
"If, the Lord replied...." God can do all things.... "I can do all things through Christ..."