Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Saturday, February 19, 2011

124: 3 in the morning

All day I felt like I had missed something because I didn't get up. This time when I awoke and sensed the nudge, I got out of the bed.  After reading my daily Bible reading...praying for the children...praying about the message this weekend...sending Bec a message of encouragement...I'm blogging.

So what have I sensed my Father whisper this early morning -
  • obedience is sweet...thanks for getting up
  • I have been talking to you for along time...remember all my whispers...I am here
  • I have her...I have them
  • it is the lies of Satan discouraging you when you think you will never be able to go to SA ...listen to my truth...cling to my is about my calling on your lives
  • I love you
  • I have something for you to do while you are still in the are not in limbo...follow my took the first steps...get moving on it
  • It will all be to my glory...MY glory
  • Keep interceding in prayer
Purpose: To take the message of Jesus love to children that will not have the opportunity to hear unless we go to them.

Lord thank you for our time...move and work in my life Lord...move in my life.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 123: Missed Opportunity

It was dark outside...It was early a sleep state I moved into consciousness...I sensed, I thought "Get up and spend time with and me...doing some business"  .... and I laid there...prayed...slept...

Forgive me for not moving to you in those early morning hours. I am grieving that because I know you desired to spend time with me. Why, oh why, would I not respond to you?  The spirit is willing but the flesh is so weak...I am weak. Father, please do not give up on me. Keep awakening me. I want to spend time with you. Abba, I love you and desire to have you speak into my life. I don't want to miss your presence. Thank you for your forgiveness through Christ.

I am eagerly awaiting our next early morning audience with you my King!


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 122: The Difference

Prayer and intercession instead of fretting and worry. Very different outcomes!

This is what I posted on my Facebook wall.  It surprised me how many people responded in some fashion to the phrase.  But I shouldn't be surprised. It came as the outcome of a struggle I was having.  I was frustrated that I continued to think about a person and pray for them.  It was strange as I found myself praying more for this individual then my own child.

At one point I was so frustrated with myself, at my tears that wouldn't go away. Throughout the day...tears.  I was crying again but this time I began crying out to the Lord to take the burden away if I was just obsessing.  I was missing them in our families life;  I knew they were struggling spiritually; yet, I knew God was at work and this was His best. I was questioning my own motives. Was I just trying to manipulate the Lord into giving me what I thought was best? Was I reacting to the heart break of my own child? Was I just being sappy? What was going on?  Then I heard the whisper..."You are not needlessly burdened. You are interceding on his behalf."   Exhale. Calm. Peace. Understanding.

I continued to pray as I moved through my days. Then a few days later I received information that helped me to more fully understand the necessity of prayer in his life.

Prayer can be a burden. I awoke early this morning with the spiritual nudge to pray for him. Psalms 30, 33. I gathered my Bible and began to sit in my chair..."No get on the floor" came the whisper.  I sat on the floor in front of the couch, Bible open to the Psalm...head on my open Bible as I began to read and pray the Psalms. I ended on Psalm 34.

I prayed this for him, "When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, and rescues them from all their troubles."  Psalm 34:17

The Lord heard me. The Lord will hear him as he prays.

The difference between prayer and intercession compared to fretting and worry. The Lord's actions. Very different outcomes! I don't know what the Lord's outcome will be...but I know that he is good. I know that my prayers can help fight the spiritual battles.  I know the Lord rescues. 

The difference is the outcome- nothing vs rescue. I choose prayer without ceasing.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 121: Your Love Never Fails Us

After two weeks of praying and asking God to help me see his purpose and will...the Lord was faithful last night. Thank you Father! 

This song prompted me to  praise  my God with a prayer of thanks. The lyrics..."And when the oceans rage I don't have to be afraid, because I know that you love me! You make all things work together for my good." resonates God's word in Romans.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

I can see how the Lord is molding her and revealing to her the desires of her heart. Shaping her to be his child that runs to him for strength. A woman that knows her value in the Father. A woman that seeks him with her whole heart. A woman that seeks his good in all things and even in the pain finds it. A woman that knows she is a child of the King, bought with a price, and will fight to keep Him the the first love of her life.  A woman that knows because of who she is in Him is deserving of all God's blessings and is willing to wait for God to provide. A woman before her Lord saying, "Here I am Lord, send me."

Lord, I praise you my Lord because you do make all things work together for our good. Lord, even in the pain you you have revealed to both of us your grace and compassion. You have shown me again that you love my children more than I ever could. Thank you for being our Abba. Amen

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 120: Text Messages?

Can God demonstrate his presence at the very moment through a text message? Absolutely! And, he did.

Recently I prayed that the Lord would make me aware of specific times Rebecca might be spiritually struggling so that I could specifically be praying for her during those times. I needed the Lord to help me since distance prohibited me from seeing her to know how she was doing.

I had just finished my Bible reading for the day. I had felt impressed by one scripture I read and was in the process of texting it to her:

"The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart.  And He saves those who are broken in spirit." Psalm 34:18

In the middle of typing the text I received a text from her saying "today's a hard day, pray extra today okay"

Oh Lord, thank you! That I could tell her you are present with the go before her... and show yourself even through text messaging.  Thank you for stepping into our life at that moment. Praise you for showing me that you hear the prayers of this momma. You are real and present. Amen

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 119: Behind Me

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
Isaiah 30:21

I have known this verse and read it many times. Yesterday, however, I believe Holy Spirit gave me a deeper understanding.  This verse is so closely tied to "Faith" and "Trust."  

When I see the Lord ahead of me I can follow and I know where he is going. I know it is safe and Him because I can see him...follow his path that has been laid out before me by his footprints.

When I know the Lord has come alongside of me...I can feel his shoulder, his physical presence. If he moves from side to side, changes the pace of our steps, or pauses and stops...I know it because he is right there and I can feel it.

This verse speaks to the Lord's voice being behind me. He is not in front and visible, he is not beside and felt, He is behind and only my ears can hear his voice...

But from behind...God, you have my back! You can warn me of attack so that I can move in a safe direction.

The challenge? Being able to discern my Lord's voice. To know it so well that I know it is him. To tune out the clatter of other's voices and the lies so I can hear the voice regardless of how gentle or loud it is.

Faith? Yes. Knowing the voice without seeing or feeling.
Trust? Yes. Based on past experience I can trust  that it is my God speaking.
Action? Yes. To move, walk, in the way my Lord has directed.

Lord, I want to hear your voice and move in your direction. I pray you will help me to know your whisper from behind...and respond in obedience. Thank you that you have my back. Amen

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 118: The Gift of Wipers

It's been a tough 24 hours. Spiritually challenging. Repeating to myself, "My God is not cruel. My God has the best plan. There is a spiritual battle. God she needs you. God, he needs you. Young. Wise. Hurt." And above all the turmoil in my spirit I still hear my Father whisper

....Be still and know that I am God.   Be still and see me work.   Be still and I will fight for her. Be still and know I am working in his life. Be still and pray. Be still .......

Scripture that still resonates within me...

Wait for the Lord. Be strong. Let your heart be strong. Yes, wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:14

The Lord will fight for you; You need only be still.  Exodus 14:14

For the eyes of the lord range throughout the earth to strenthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. 2 Chronicles 16:9

So many praying today...and a simple few words reminded me of the power of prayer, "I have an unexplainable peace today."   Thank you Father.

An emotional 24 hours was followed by awareness that the car is acting up and needs work. This on the heals of new tires and broken door handle.  So I take the truck to a meeting. It begins to rain...turn on the windshield wipers and movement...won't work.  Choice: blow up an engine or drive without wipers.  I choose no wipers. As I'm driving the rain gets harder.

I pray, "Lord, I know you are real. I know you are protecting us. I know you love her. I know you are not a cruel God.  But God, right now I really need these wipers to work. I need to see you active in the little things in my life....please make these windshield wipers work...please God."

In a few short minutes the wipers began their rhythmic sweep of the windshield.  Oh, Lord, you heard my plea! Thank you! Thank you for affirming your presence in our lives.

Another song that speaks to my heart over the past week:

Continue to bring "an unexplainable peace" to those crying out to you.. Praise you for the revelation of your presence.  Thank you for the gift of the wipers! I needed to see your presence in my life through the little things. I will be still and wait for you...prayerfully waiting to see you at work. Give Lonnie and I wise counsel. Holy Spirit help us to know what and when to pray specifically.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 117: My God's not Cruel

Season when you must depend on God's character and know that he is good. These are the hardest seasons, but my God never lets go.  There will be an end to the struggles but until that day comes...still I will praise you...that's my me be strong enough to live it.

You Never Let Go

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 116: The Battle, The Lies, The Truth

Sleepless night...over and over the battles that played in my mind...inadequate, tender relationships, personal pride, fear, hurt, love, trust ....

Lies, as daggers at the heart of those I love ... daggers at me .... continually praying for God's shield to be there...His hedge of protection ... over their hearts...over my heart.

Clinging to what I know to be truth...

The Lord will fight for you.  All you have to do is keep still.  Exodus 14:14

Wait for the Lord.  Be strong. Let your heart be strong.  Yes, wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:14

Help me to recognize the have the strength to pray trust you unconditionally.  To understand... to trust what I don't understand.  Amen