the spiritual journey of someone desiring to know and do God's will, even when it is difficult.
Children caring for children
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Day 67: If---
My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you,
turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding,
and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understand,
and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure,
then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.
Proverbs 2:1-5 (NIV)
if---store up- memorize
if---call out
if----cry aloud
then you will understand and find
The Lord is teaching me that it is work on my work...not just casually reading his word as if reading the newspaper to understand him and see him at work. It is a driven desire to dig. As a Christ follower I need to accept that his words are true...memorize those words...take time to call out and cry out aloud~ there's a word-aloud and look for him! to be a student of his word.
Father, help each of us to make this a part of our life journey. You tell us that when we seek you with our whole hearts we will find you... Oh, Lord, I am seeking your best for our lives. For the lives of those at Coastal. The lives of the boys in SA.
You are a God of miracles and wonders. Open my eyes to see what you are doing around us so that I can join you and grow in my knowledge of you and understanding of you.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Day 66: Internal vs External
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen Ephesians 3:20-21
Everything is possible for him who believes. Mark 9:23
You may recall that when I began this spiritual journey I mentioned two fleeces I was laying before the Lord in regards to the calling on our lives after Lonnie's retirement. Today as I was watching the teaching segment of Believing God a question crept in that made me squirm. The question was this....
"Are my requests before God ego driven?"
As the session went on and Beth taught about the old covenant and how God provided the external needs of his people but under the new covenant of Jesus ~ God's prioritizes the internal work he is doing in us. He is in us now! His Holy Spirit dwells in us. He is most concerned about my inner spirit and strength than about the outward. As I am contemplating this I am before my Lord saying:
Lord! Forgive me! When I think about the fleeces there is a chance that they were ego driven. I must declare before you Father that I had not processed the miracles you are doing within me as strongly and that they would be your priority. I first saw where you weren't outwardly answering our cries and requests and perhaps appeased myself to say...but God has done this in our lives regarding our communication, dependence on him, etc. But God the first is the miracle! It is a miracle that you would even consider Lonnie and I for service to you with the least of these. That you would find us worthy to go there in your most Holy name. Lord, I've known that as I look back over the past five years, and the journey of financial trials, emotional ups and downs, that you had us on you were absolutely preparing us to be missionaries. I know now that when I prayed "Lord, get us ready to be your missionaries" that your priority would be the preparation deep within our spirits. I'm seeing it Father. Thank you for the miraculous work you are doing here in me! Amen
Am I crazy? Am I justifying what God is doing? I don't think so...because
God is who He says He is
God can do what he says he can do
I am who God says I am
I can do all things through Christ
God's word is active in me
I Believe God!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Day 66: Bara
You are probably wondering what "bara" has to do with this writing. According to Strong's "bara" is to create, shape, form - always with God as the subject, the one doing the forming. It is God's miracle of creating out of nothing.
This day I am pondering Psalm 51:10 - Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Clean is purer.... Renew is to repair....right is to be enduring, to be steady.
Lord, this is my prayer,
"Shape in me a purer heart, O God, and repair my spirit to be enduring of life challeges and steady in my faithfulness to you. Father, I need you and I know you are who the Bible says you are, I am who you created me to be and I can do all things through you because you will give me the strength. Your word oh Lord is alive and active in my life. I believe in you!
Bless our children as they journey through life. Be with Mike as he discerns your best for him in life and relationships. Walk closely with Becca as you prepare her for SA this summer. Help her to be aware of the spiritual battles that will come. Give wisdom to James as he leads his ministry. Bring to joy to Kelsey as she finishes this season and looks to you to provide for her next phase. Bless our marriage. We stand before you with palms up in regards to our finances...may we be Stewards that honor you first.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Day 65: New Sprouts
I wondered if I should do the assignment, in Believing God, to select at least two words from Isaiah 40:21-31 and research the original Hebrew meaning of them in Strong's. It involved getting the computer and doing a word study. What words would I choose and would it make a difference? I'm so glad I did it!
Without seeming too intellectual let me share with you a few synonyms in Hebrew for the three words (ok, so I couldn't settle on just 2 words) and then share with you how I paraphrased the verse.
- Hope: wait, look for, expect eagerly, lie in wait --- I especially keyed in on "lie in wait" because it is active and anticipating what I am expecting will occur.
- Renew: change, grow-up, after, sprout again --- there is that word-"change"- to renew is not to go back to where you were in a rested state, it means a change and new growth-sprout again. Like my bamboo sitting on the is cut back but will sprout again.
- Strength: ability, fruits, force --- "fruits" surprised me as it is a product of growth.
My Paraphrase of v 31 ...but those who lie in wait for the Lord will find their ability changed and renewed. New growth will occur as we wait for the Lord.
Oh, my goodness. The Lord once again used his Words of Old to boldly step into my life today. Faith is about hope. And hope is eagerly waiting for and anticipating what my God will do so that my ability, in my case faith, can be can develop new sprouts of growth as a result of the waiting.
Thank you Father for the moments I can only hope in you because all else seems futile. Those times when I don't know the answer, but, I actively lie in wait to see you in action. While I wait I am changing and growing new sprouts of faith, with new fruits that I can share. Where you will have me share this fruit, use this fruit, be dependent on this fruit for sustenance, I'm not sure; however, I know you know and I will need it! I adore your Word and how you speak to me through it. Amen
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Day 64: Fighting Back
Monday in staff huddle (a time of intentional discipleship with our ministry staff) I was challenged to come up with a plan regarding building my faith and how to respond when I realize I'm anxious. Off the top of my mind I mentioned to those at the table my action could be to memorize scripture so that I could recall it when my faith was challenged and the test of anxiety was upon me. It seemed like the "godly" and "spirtual" answer.
Today in Believing God we looked at many scriptures to support us in concepts related to our faith.
So...I think this is my message from the Lord.
I can honestly say two things:
1- The scripture that I've placed in my memory I use!
2- I cop out by saying "Oh scripture memory is not one of my strong points" and I let myself off the hook, so to speak.
So my action plan is to memorize:
Mark 9:23 "If you can?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes."
Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."
Accountability: If you see me you have my permission to ask me about Mark 9:23 and Jeremiah 33:3! Please do because for me to not know it in front of you will be a great motivator! I don't like looking silly. Pride? Yes! But God can use it for good.
Lord, I ask for the tenacity to do this~putting your words deep into my memory. May I not listen to the deceiver tell me I can't or shouldn't. Thank you that your words are alive and mean so mcuh to me when I use them. I recognize the coures of events this week have not been my accident or intended for me to this message. You are amazing! Amen
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Day 62: Unchallenged
If you've been following this blog you know God is teaching me about faith. I have struggled with questions like: God, is my faith strong enough? God, am I just not getting it and that is why I have to keep learning it? God, is there a reason I'm not seeing answers?
I read this sentence in my Beth Moore study, Believing God, and I about jumped out of my seat. I had to rest on the sentence a bit. This is it
Faith that remains unchallenged ordinarily remains unchanged. (pg. 30)
That's it! As God continues to challenge my faith he is strengthening it, making it practical, giving me life moments to come back to when the going is difficult. I thought the initial move from NL to Court Circle was a financial we must have messed up! But it wasn't. God was getting us ready to be missionaries not financially, but in faith! It is not that I'm not getting it and have to have continual remediation...praise the Lord. It is that I am getting it and he is helping me to strengthen those FAITH muscles...again, praise the Lord.
Now honestly, it is not a fun work out at times! But when I have to live through the really tough times I'm appreciative for the work out. Like an athlete that works muscles and skills again and again to the point of exhaustion and muscle aches...but sees the payoff in the game or race.
Lord, thank you! I can see blessing. I do see my inner spirit more confident and able to recognize my anxious thoughts so I can deal with them in faith. Continue to teach us what we need to know in order to survive, no flourish in your name, in SA. Oh, and about those fleeces....if it is in your will to answer in that manner, ok. If it is not in your will, ok. Just please let us know when the time is right in a manner that is undeniably you. We understand that faith involves some doubt and the possibility we could be wrong. We are willing totake the first step knowing you are right there with us.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Day 61: Romans 4 Challenge
Yesterday was My Birthday!
I didn't blog, but I did have my time with my Father. I got up at 5 a.m. because it was important to me. I did the study, and was on my to Richmond for a meeting at 7:30. Last night Lonnie invited some friends over for dinner. He prepared a wonderful dish of pasta and shrimp. James and Kelsey were here...Mike and Becca Skyped in...I love technology. I miss my children so much when we have family events and we are all apart. But my birthday celebration was wonderful. Lord, thank you for 51 years of life in you.
Believing God
He touched their eyes and said, "According to your faith will it be done to you. Matthew 9:29
We are challenged in the study to read Romans 4 twenty times before the end of the 10 weeks. So today was time #1.
I am struggling with scripture where Jesus says "your faith has made you clean" or "according to your faith you will be healed." I know with 100% of my heart that my God is capable to heal and move mountains. In the scripture though he speaks poorly to his disciples that could not cast out a demon. He says it it was a faith issue. How can that be?
What does that look like in my life? I say I have faith...but do I mask that with a pitiful excuse of saying "If it is not God's will I guess it won't happen"? Is that my crutch? How do I place a fleece out and at the same time say my faith is strong and I know God can, but maybe he won't. How do I respond to friends with chronic illness that have pleaded and begged for can't be a lack of God can...but he doesn't.
But I always come down to ...does God desire to because it is in my best interest, or my friends best interest. Are there lessons and spiritual growth I'm experiencing in the midst of the no? Of course there have been, I know this! But, how does this equate with my faith. Will my faith be a stumbling block. Will I learn about you God in the midst of the pain of potentially losing a home? My heart grieves that we can't eliminate the debt. We make steps forward and then back again. We are thankful for the blessings and the provision...but the same two struggles won't go away.
God, in faith I once again place the fleeces before you. Remove my doubt. It really is not there. I have no doubt in your power or ability. Help me to know how to navigate this responding to us based on our faith. Where I lack I pray for faith. I ask that I not allow the author of lies or deceiver to speak lies and doubt into my spirit. You, oh Lord, can move the mountains that crowd into my spirit. I surrender and yet they are there. I believe and yet they are there. I beg and yet they are there. I step in your direction, and they are there.
I boldly pray that they would be answered by you as an affirmation of ministry timing. Oh my father, teach me to discern your voice and help me settle the questions I face in my spirit. It can't all be about faith that heals...there has to be more....I am searching for my own understanding and so that I can help others.
God is who he says he is. Holy, pure, loving, caring, there with me
God can do what he says he can do Move mountains, forgive, change lives, provide
I am who God says I am A new creation, his child, his servant
I can do all things through Christ I can move mountains that God calls me to move.
God's word is alive and active in me I crave his word!
Be with my children, especially the one that is on my heart heavy this morning.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Day 60: Confident Prayer-FAITH
If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. John 14:14
1 Kings 18:33-35
And he put the wood in order, cut the bull in pieces, and laid it on the wood, and said, "Fill four water pots with water, and pour it on the burnt sacrifice and on the wood." Then he said, "Do it a second time," and they did it a second time; and he said, "Do it a third time," and they did it a third time. So the water ran all around the altar; and he also filled the trench with water.
Believing God
His incomparable great power for us who like the working of his mighty strength. Ephesians 1:19
I am so excited about the next 9 weeks! Last night Lonnie helped me make my blue wrist bracelet to remind me that God's word is true and I am the spiritual seed of all the promises to Abraham. But also, that I'm called and concentrated to obey His word. Part of God's word calls me to have faith, believe-actively believe in my God and his desire to bless me...and my desire to be faithful to him.
I pray hard and I anticipate God's answer to my prayers but the dilemma I have is this "Is it God's will to release me from this burden?" I know people suffering from chronic pain begging to be released. I'm not in physical pain. I live in a world that is hard. What is so special about me? Why would God release us? My answer is His word declares he desires to have us live in the promise land and I'm not sure we can make it there with the big mountains in front of us. The promised land is not a land of ease...I'm not asking for an easy is a land of being where he desires us to be...Lord help us to be there. Where you desire us to be in the time you desire and in the financial condition you desire.
We don't live an extravagant life style. Our finances are focused on the educational cost of our family, and then the housing pitfall so many experienced over the past years. We were not trying for bigger and better...we knew you said move. The blessing of it all? Having to cling hard to you and each other. Seeing you in every blessing of a restful night's sleep, laughter, food on the table, and a bill being paid. Your provision at the last moment...just in time. Through this we learned the truest meaning of the word "blessing."
Father God,
My prayers are earnest and my heart believes you are oh so capable of answering...I continue to pray for wisdom in my prayers...that I can accept your answers and learn your lessons. I can have patience and wait for your response and obedience to do what I you desire in the mean time. that I learn, recognize, and claim "faith" and the blessing of peaceful release to you.
God, I'm so excited to be in your word the next weeks with this Bible study. Thank you!
I miss Michael especially today. Keep his close and Holy Spirit fill him with you. Give him wisdom in your desires for his future.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Day 59: Believing God
Today I began a new Bible study. The workbook has sat in my stack for almost one year. After I finished the Revealed daily devotion I coasted along just doing the quick one page Back to the Bible online devotion. I have begun to crave more...more time with the Father and more time in his word. Thus, I pulled out Believing God. Little did I know it's timing is perfect.
The introduction is titled: Believing God for Your Promised Land. The key points for me today are:
- As a leader I have to put my feet in the water first for others to follow.
- God wants to bring glory to where I plant my promised land
- The #1 hindrance to our calling becoming a reality is our unbelief
- Good is what is most useful to God and His kingdom
God desires to bless us. We are the spiritual seed of Abraham as believers. But, God's definition of a blessing may be different than ours. God will test us on how we define blessings. Blessings may be a peace that takes away anxiety, a restful nights sleep, a confidence in God's ability to hear us. I've experienced this lateley. Learning to trust my God for the blessing of his peace.
I'm so excited about the next 9 weeks as I go through this study.... I Believe My God!
Thank you for the timing of this study in my life as we face uncertainty with NL and life after retirement. I believe you and I want to live my life in your promise land...your promise land for our lives...where ever that might be. Help me to grow in my faith...a restless faith.
I praise you for working in the lives of our children and that they are seeing you in a real way.
Hear is my heart Lord. Help me to grow over the next weeks.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Day 58: He Hears
"Then you call on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of the Lord; and the God who answers by fire, He is God." So all the people answered and said, "It is well spoken."
I Kings 18:24
I also like the quote - The prayer is up to us; the answer is up to God.
I really believe that God hears and answers our prayers in his time and in his way...but I don't like the waiting and the tyring to figure it out. It is oh so hard for this gal that wants to know know and wants to know how, and wants to know why. The house at NL is our continual tool for us to learn this skill of waiting on God and trusting God. It is God's house and we truly are the caretakers.
Lord, so many things are hanging on prayer. The two fleeces. The Safe House certificate, our calling to SA timing, GW campus leaders, kids futures... This I know to be hear and you will respond. Help me to wait obediently.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Day 57: Take it
Then it happened, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said to him, "Is that you, O troubler of Israel?" And he answered, "I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father's house have, in that you have forsaken the commandments of the Lord and you have followed the Baals." 1 Kings 18:17-18
Kroll writes: "Don't be surprised or dismayed if you are being persecuted, in whatever form it may take. Consider it a confirmation that Christ is obviously within you and radiating from you.
Jesus Christ is both a comfort for Christians and an irritation for the world."
Recently I have felt persecution from someone, and at the same time hold onto integrity in the name of Christ. Lord, help us to stand as a witness to you in spite of accusations otherwise. We don't want to be mean or cruel. We want to be fair and honest. Help us to maintain that and not fall into a mindset of getting even.
Lord, we love you and desire to represent you...even in tough situations when it is most difficult. Thanks for all your blessings!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Day 56: Go and Tell
Now as Obadiah was on his way, suddenly Elijah met him; and he recognized him, and fell on his face, and said, "Is that you, my lord Elijah?" And he answered him, "It is I. Go, tell your master, 'Elijah is here." 1 Kings 18:7-8
Obadiah risked his life to tell the king that Elijah was in the country. It was a risk. It is a risk for me to tell people about the one true King..and I don't always take the risk. Why? Fear? yes I think so...but I fear their reaction more so than disappointing my Father in Heaven. I will go to SA but I'm afraid to walk next door....across the street. Forgive me Father. I am not faithful to you in this small thing.
Received notice yesterday that you have open the floodgates of blessing again...I have two sections of a class next term. So far Father I have gone from one class to 2. Thank you for the blessing. Now I ask for the discipline to stay focused on ministry and teach well at the same time. When the despair comes help me to recall these blessings.
Father, we love you and thank you for all you give us. Bless our marriage. Help us to spend time together, just being in love...enchanted with with one another.
Keep our children under your wing.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Day 55: Fervent Prayer
Then he cried out to the Lord and said, "O Lord my God, have You also brought tragedy on the widow with whom I lodge, by killing her son?" And he stretched himself out on the child three times, and cried out to the Lord and said, "O Lord my God, I pray, let this child's soul come back to him." Then the Lord heard the voice of Elijah; and the soul of the child came back to him, and he revived. 1 Kings 17:20-22
Kroll challenged in the devotion (found on line) to find a place where I could just bellow out my prayer request to the Lord. A place where I could dig deep within my spirit and let it go. Well I think that is what I did two days ago. With tears streaming down my face I took my fleece prayer requests before my father. Kroll also said to take the things that have a "strong grip on your spirit" to the Father.
Father, you know the two things that have a strong grip on our spirits. Please release us from these. God it is not to make our lives easier but to open the path to our service for you in SA. I continually bring these before you and there are times I feel like a whining child. But Kroll challenges us to be bold and passionate about our request. God we are passionate! We need you to move and I know you will. Help us! Guide Us! Answer our prayers. All we desire is to honor you. Our prayers are not for prideful purposes or to put more $ in the bank account for our own sake. We desire to live as you intended. We are working hard. God honor your servants. We beg at your feet, please!
Be with our children this day. Provide for James and Kelsey financially. Give her a job Father.
Be with Mike. Give him relationship wisdom, strong desire to please you, guidance in the decisions he will be making as he enters his last year of school. Strengthen Becca and give her the physical, emotional, and spiritual strength to endure this time of training. Help her to do it all with a heart to serve you.
Bring joy to Lonnie this day. Thank you for protecting his job so far. It is you!
Bless Coastal. Lord, we need leadership. Our CK ministry is in need of servants that will serve you by investing in your children. I ask for wisdom and creativity as I design the awareness program.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Day 54: Me First
And Elijah said to her, "Do not fear; go and do as you have said, but make me a small cake from it first, and bring it to me; and afterward make some for yourself and your son. For thus says the Lord God of Israel: 'The bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry, until the day the Lord sends rain on the earth.'" So she went away and did according to the word of Elijah; and she and he and her household ate for many days. 1 Kings 17:13-15
Elijah asked this woman to take what little was left (she only had enough for one small cake for she and her son...then she knew they would starve to death) and feed him. God had spoken to Elijah so he was not being selfish. She was obedient to God because the scripture reads that God had commanded the widow to feed Elijah.
Why would God choose this poor widow and make her step into such a tough situation? Only he knows. What we do know is that she was blessed with continue flour and oil...also the resurrection of her son. Her faith demonstrated her trust and obedience. She first gave and then the Lord blessed. Had she not been obedient...?
Right now we are being obedient. We are trying to hold on and be good stewards. We are trying to manage your resources. Help us to continue in the face of adversity to honor you and do what you would have us to do.
Yesterday was a tough day. Today I read scriptures like this and know that you are about the final spiritual outcome. God, we offer to you what we have. It is yours and as much as it hurts we will continue to move towards your desire for us.
As Kroll wrote: Actions are based on priorities and priorities are based on faith.
May we have the faith to put you first.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Day 53: Dried up Faith
The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening; and he drank from the brook. And it happened after a while that the brook dried up, because there had been no rain in the land. 1 Kings 17:6-7
Father forgive. I'm crying before you because I'm tired of holding onto a hope that seems hopeless. It's been a tough day. All of a sudden I feel hopeless and defeated....overwhelmed. I can't see the way out. I see the dream. I see the big ask by you. I see your provision but as soon as I see it...I'm overwhelmed with the other side.
Win Collier in his book Restless Faith says "For me, faith has often equaled some form of unflinching assurance. To have faith is to know, and to know, in my sense, is to have siphoned away every uncertainty. Faith, essentially, is the absence of mystery." (pg. 84) He continues with "Faith requires, to at least some degree, some possibility that I could be wrong." (pg. 84)
God, I could be wrong. Maybe I didn't need to ask for added work. Maybe I need to accept any outcome with NL house. Maybe we will lose it. Maybe we won't go to SA. I keep praying and the two huge things before me...the fleeces if you might...are there. Always there and I can't seem to permanently remove the fear and anxiety associated with them. When I don't see you moving in them I think perhaps I'm not hearing you well. What are we to do. How are we to survive this? I am drying up at this moment. I don't have the energy to fight the enemy in my spirit. I want to hold on and say all is well...but inside I am so full of doubt.
Is that the line, God. The possibility of failure? The doubt. Is that what you require of us? If it is my heart is weeping before you. I fear we have not heard you clearly. I fear we will miss your blessing. I fear I personally will not be strong enough to walk this path with you. I have never lost faith in you, my Lord. Only my own human failing to be worthy of being called your servant.
I am afraid when our brook dries up I will not hear the direction of your voice.
Help me, Abba.
Thank you for this verse! As I'm preparing your message for Sunday this verse came about -
6In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. 8Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 1 Peter 1:6-8 (NIV)
There is a purpose, Lord. May be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory, and honor.
You are a compassionate God.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Day 52: The Blessing of Adequate
Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying, "Get away from here and turn eastward, and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan. And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there." So he went and did according to the word of the Lord, for he went and stayed by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan. 1 Kings 17:2-5
God shows up in ways we can't imagine nor anticipate. The prophet had spoken out to the King and had to escape for his life. Now usually when I think of someone being obedient and doing what God commands my mind doesn't flow to the point of running for one's life. But when you study the Old and New Testaments you see people dying in obedience, suffering intense hardship. But in my own "comfy" world I don't usually have to face those challenges.
Still, however, God cares about what I do face. Right now is a difficult time for us. As sure as we see God's hand of mercy and blessing, we see the fight of Satan desiring to steal and destroy the joy of the Lord within us. Actually, life is hard for so many of us. We live in a world that is sinful and suffer the consequences of human error. We shouldn't anticipate smooth going.
But what is my reaction when I am facing those difficult times? I know my God is faithful. I know my God stands with us. I know my God is in the future. I know my God keeps his promises. I know my God cares. I know my God listens. I know my God....and that is my hope.
Elijah didn't anticipate that God would use Ravens, wild birds, to provide good for him. But God did. Right there beside the river God used creation to take care of his servant. What is God using to take care of the Warren family? As we look to the horizon, may we look for God's provision and not for despair.
Lord, we are your faithful servants. Listening for the whisper of your voice to move or to stay. Anticipating where you will lead our family and how you will care for us. I can't imagine the future with out the children close...they aren't children any more though are they? They are young adults moving into their own lives. Still, I can't imagine not being able to be there with hours. I can't imagine not having the friend support and the church support. If I let my selfish mind run I can't imagine what it will be like to be a missionary and totally surrender all that I know now for what I don't know about our future.
Father, I have to go back to what I do know...I know you are faithful. I know you care and you provide. I know you are worthy of any sacrifice I could make. I know people will live in an eternity apart from you if someone doesn't tell them. I know I would rather be living in obedience to you and experiencing the human sacrifice that will take, then to be in denial of your calling and live comfortably in disobedience.
I will choose to faithfully look to the horizon and see the adequate blessings the ravens may bring.
Thank you for walking with us through difficulty. Providing for us in lean times. Comforting our fears. Giving us wonderful children...all four of them!
You are worthy,