Children caring for children

Children caring for children
Abba... Heavenly Father to the fatherless

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Day 4: Reflection and Anticipation ~ The Weaving of Lives

New Years Eve....the sense of a new year, a new beginning. We are hopeful that this will be the year of ..... and we could fill in so many blanks. We look back at the past year and reflect. Time that is now history. Last year this time we were anticipating the wedding of James and Kelsey. Wondering if Becca was going to return to Liberty the next year, not realizing that Michael was on the cuff of beginning his first long term relationship ~ we didn't even know Tracy existed nor that she is such a wonderful young lady. I was relieved that I had passed the Final Defense of my dissertation and was now..."Dr. Warren" ~ oh so scary~ but didn't know what that would in all reality mean...if anything.

The comforting part is the Lord knew it all. He is faithful and has brought us through a financially tough year. We have been blessed!

I wonder, who will God weave into our lives this coming year? Yesterday I spent time with someone I met in South Africa. Carol opened her home to me when I arrived a day before the rest of the mission team I was traveling with. Have you ever met someone and almost instantly there was a heart bond and you "just clicked"? That's what happened almost two years ago. She is back in the states now and by God's design she is ministering right here in Norfolk. I helped her a bit by cleaning the bathroom in her new home. We both know it is God that brought us together two years ago and again now. I have been praying for a woman in ministry that I could share my ideas with, find encouragement and accountability. I didn't know I would meet her on another continent and God would place us within 20 minutes of each each other. Coincidence? No, I say it is the Mighty Hand of my God! Weaving our lives together.

I have another friendship that has developed this year. After casual conversations Judi and I realized our growing up years and lives had followed similar patterns. Often I think I'm too busy to begin new friendships...don't have the time to invest....that's what I tell myself. The fact is it takes time and effort to develop Godly friendships. Well, I am so thankful I made the effort and realized that God was weaving our lives together a purpose.

An acquaintance of many years has developed into a friendship without the sport that brought us together. Nicole is a blessing in her friendship. She is the one that checks in on me and blesses me with her caring and honesty. God began to weave this together over 10 years ago.

Through our daughters Jackie and I have grown together. The Lord knew as a parents of college athletes we would need one another!

And of course my sister...Donna...amazing how our life experiences undergird one another. She is the one I go to with absolutley full masks...hiding ugly as it may be. Blood sisters couldn't be closer.

But what about the New Year? Who will God weave into our lives? Most importantly, how will he use us to bring others closer to him? How will he use others to bring us closer to him? What challenges will we face that will require the love and prayers of those closest to us?

The only thing that I can trust is my God and based on his unchanging character there is nothing in this new year that he won't help us to walk through. Sure we have dreams, hopes and desires. But my greatest hope is that this time next year I will look back and say, that was the year I strengthened by ability to draw near to my God's heart. That was the year I was able to bless someone because of what God has done and is doing in my life.

Scripture for the day:
Proverbs 8:35–36 (ESV)
35 For whoever finds me finds life
and obtains favor from the Lord,
36 but he who fails to find me injures himself;
all who hate me love death.”

Lord, help me to help others find you and life this coming year. Your heart beat is for those that don't have a close and lasting relationship with you. As my heart grows to be more in tune with yours, I pray for the ability to be there for those that so need you. May my spiritual eyes see your hand at work as you weave my life with others.

I know you will walk with my family and I praise you for that. Keep them close to you.
Thank you for all you have done this past year. I pray for a grateful heart and ask forgiveness for a lazy, unthankful, heart.

I adore you Abba,

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Day 3: Oh My!

A very familiar verse so it was not surprising to read it in the Revealed devotional.

Proverbs 3:5–6 (ESV)
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.

When I am discouraged or feeling useless in my ministry and wondering if I am where God wants me and doing what he desires....this verse brings focus. I am where he wants me right now and if I trust him with all my heart and see life through his lenses, trust him in that, then my path will be on target to where he wants me.

Shock of the morning - pick up my computer, and read my "Back to the Bible" devotion on line...
the scripture verse for the day....

Proverbs 3:5–6 (ESV)
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.

On My! I had to go back to Revealed and make sure I wasn't just having an over 50 moment! There is was. God is saying, "Pay attention!"

The devotion writes:

"In the Bible you'll find the wisdom of God. Trust Him to guide you when you read His Word. Be confident that He will direct your paths as you apply the Scriptures to your life. Take every opportunity, every difficulty, every issue that comes up in your life and let God show you His way through His Word.

When you read God's Word you read God's mind."

Yesterday brought a challenge and I knew immediately the challenge was not from the Lord. I prayed and continue to pray that my reaction will be that of the Lord. Saying to the Lord, "Help me to navigate this and honor you. I get a pit in my stomach each time this issue comes into my life." this morning I was reading Psalm 56 and realized the deceiver is ready to hem me in and destroy me. Lord help me to fight this battle with the assurance of your right.

Lord, you are real and this is not a coincidence...the same verse, two separate devotions...I will listen....

Lord, help me to trust you with all my heart. I desire to not trust my own understanding as it is fallible...I trust you! I acknowledge that you are before, behind, and beside me. When I seek to follow you my path will be straight and on target moving towards your heart. Your word as recorded in the Bible is your voice. I praise you for speaking to me this day. Amen.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day 2: By Chance?

No, this days devotion was not by chance!

This morning I looked at a devotional book that Coastal will be using in February for our all church study...actually, I was looking at the devo book and that will be optional. As I was reading the premise of the study my heart I willing to commit all my other words my energy and focus...talents...what God has given me the ability to learn and be able to do...and that's a joke we have little resources on the surface..but we do have resources...our homes, cars and trucks, little bit of money.

The surface answer is yes! of course! But really? really?

What about time? Turn over my daily to do list to Him and allow him to intersect at any moment and be flexible with that? Go to bed at 9:30 ~instead of watching a tv show ~ so I'm able to get up in the mornings for my QT? Rest on a Sabbath and trust God to get everything done that He needs me to do.

Talents~ have faith that he's using me right now as he needs and anything in the future he'll prepare me for. Not to be in fear of difficult tasks.

The on line devotion this morning is was right on target also-

Proverbs 2:3–5 (ESV)
3 yes, if you call out for insight
and raise your voice for understanding,
4 if you seek it like silver
and search for it as for hidden treasures,
5 then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God.

Lord, I am calling out and seeking. David was not allowed to build the temple but he made preparations for his son. He collected an offering and saw you working.

May I seek you with all my heart and acknowledge your will and power. It is not by chance that I am on this path right now and reading these devotions right now! Your timing is perfect. Help me this day to honor you in my work and in my interactions. I trust you for the joy of your presence and Holy Spirit I ask that you help me to discern my Father's presence and voice throughout this day.

Lord, be with our children as they move about. Draw them close to you so that they hear your voice. Protect hearts and give wisdom. Walk with Lonnie in his work day and breathe confidence into him as a man of God and remind him we are your family and you will provide for us. Give him peace, but also the dream of how you will use his passions for your Kingdom's work.


Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 1: Conviction

I wonder what my spiritual life would be like if I checked in intentionally with the Lord as often as I'm thoughtful to check-in with my cafe on Facebook. What would be different about me if I could visually see my success with the Lord through a number like I see my "thumbs up rating" with the cafe.

Yesterday during Pastor Hanks message on preparing for the new year...actually new decade...I was hungry to have a relationship with my God that was more focused I could instantly hear and sense His heart beat. Don't misunderstand... I pray and read my Bible, do Bible studies...but my hunger is sometimes lukewarm. I don't want to be lukewarm! There is so much more that I desire in my relationship with my Lord.

Thus I have started this blog. It's for me. To help me document the journey. Turn on the computer, complete my devotion on line, and write my thoughts and letters to my Lord.

You know my name and my heart. You know my ups and my downs. You know my spiritual struggles. Thank you for loving me anyway. I praise you and appreciate your consistancy and persistance after your people....after me.

This year will bring challenges. Lonnie's job may be ending due to budget cuts. Becca desires to go to SA on mission...a $3,000 endeavor .... Mike will be approaching his last semester of school this time next year...what will be his next step... James and Kelsey will have completed their first year of marriage....Kelsey will be looking for a full time job in her profession. I may have the opportunity to teach on line for Liberty Seminary a class or two.

The big thing, Lonnie and I are looking towards and dreaming about SA retirement and ministry....the inner city safe house for boys in Krugerdorp. When Lord? How Lord? What Lord?

All I know is I desprately need to strengthen my relationship and heartbeat for you. Help me I pray.

Today's online devotion
2 Chronicles 7:14 (ESV)
14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

Lord, I humble myself and confess I have lacked intense motivation to be with you and hear your soft whisper into my daily life. I seek your face, not only in desperation, but in all seasons. May I see you at work and follow...